Brought my daughter to the ER tonight, dared her sister to write on the board.

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Yo mama
Took some bites out of the right
I guess you'll that to me now
The state of the sub rn
Why vine is superior to tiktok
dreams do come true huh
I'm surprised that there isn't a Pelvis Thrust Quirk
My reaction as a Swede when other Swedes start talking about "white privilege" concerning our history
Brain: Eat it. Just do it.
Reese's getting out of hand
The end justifies the means
Cool Rocket Bro
what console did you grow up playing?
Modern United States of America healthcare system invented
Free thinkers when they see a fourth comment meme
The lock on our bathroom door in the break room at work…
It would be a veterinarian for me
The boys vs girls meme can finally end
It is ME every morning
And this is just the small version
“Stop playing games FedEx”
3+ digits
That is rallye annoying
Marjorie Taylor Greene and her husband take Christmas photos-2011
Couple problems.
Probability is an interesting topic!!
Are you a biphenyl or naphthalene kinda guy?
Cool Dynamic
To answer previews post
What are they saying?
What a rollercoaster of worry
Not all heroes wear capes
I am Boris. Or rather Boris as he should have been
The true horniest MCs
"Neither do you"
F*ck zodiac signs, how do you glue?
Made this one instead of doing my homework
name it peanut
My life is wonderful
Chad anime fan vs virgin movie enjoyer
Found the actual cliff this guy is climbing
It's true, introverts do change their hair color at home
Did you know David Attenborough owns a first edition of The Origin of Species?
Must be a teacher or something
But a board pointer can't point to a student!
Running in the 20s
One of the greatest insults ever uttered by Winston Churchill
Great Britain declaring war on Italy
Charles V of the Holy Roman empire shave his beard 1530
The spray paint aisle at the Ollie's store
The Truth about UK politics
Shit Just Got Real !
So you're saying there's a chance
It’s cold here :(
The lettuce outlasted her
The greatest contribution in history to begin with until...
Lyudmila Pavlichenko's incredibly based response to Eleanor Roosevelt's questions about her military career
Not the best time to be a female
I’ll go third
My mom gave me and my wife these wine glasses with our initials engraved.
Poor Haiti
In the Ratatouille sequel, food isn't made by rats, but of rats
I'll take ur entire stock
It was a pretty complicated geopolitical situation all around
The origin of clutch or kick
And they also tried a method of blasting ghost sounds in planes which is the precursor to Operation Wandering Soul.
It's pretty simple. There's no scale to how evil one is, one is evil and a bad person at the end of the day.
Perfect machine
I always found the different approach strange
We all got a little ooga booga in us
Could it have ended the war early? Maybe. Was it McClellan to a T? Definitely.
Make Horsey Great Again
Front cover of a magazine published after the alien invasion of 1954
Stop pls
"cuba hab bad economy cus muh cumunism"
Seriously look it up, the Italian navy was surprisingly competent
Gimme those cards!
She got a D
he fought for three countries against communism, even for the nazis, yet lost all of them
A great way to get some work done.
Dat Agriculture.