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Probably not
HL in a nutshell
Seggs is still Seggs
Doesn't sound lik a very successful prevention group
Adolf Hitler slaps a child for losing World War II
Pink Floyd photo shoot for unreleased album.
It’s true tho…
he too savage
turbo tism
My grandma’s game console set-up
A hard working man
+10 to Gryffindobots!
POV: you don't want to read letter by letter
Enough coin posting, more Gotz von Berlichingen posting
what in the flying ***?
Can I uninstall edge
I'm a dump truck guy
I'm pretty sure it's the only one that's survived multiple generations
Say what you want about his military skills, he was not an admirable man
he ain't wrong
Something isn't right
I need pochita right now
I know the rules say nothing too recent ... Can we get an exception for this one tho?
can you really hate a company for promoting their product
history doesn't repeat but it often rhymes.
A tiny country with too much to pack in.
What would you do to keep the Falklands ?
I’ve already posted this in another sub and they suggested to post it here, let’s see what you guys think
Yeah just do what you want
This one might get a little controversial
Ben Dover'd
Once you find out it's already too late
Original vs Fanart
old doge
Pity attempts have been made
Making memes about my countries history until i forget to day 1
Es NUESTRO territorio
Why are you scared? Isn't this what you wanted?
Cause freedom don't come free
Which one will last longer?
Just my observation
Would someone mind explaining?
Checkmate, Tlaxcalans!
Puppatar The last Puppender
America please stop
Gonna Rent ‘Em All
Obligatory French steryotype
The invasion of the Russian Thistle
Hi, I'd like to order the simple motherfu... What?!
Prepare to face the might of my army
I'm practicing making thumbnails for my nonexistent youtube channel .
It's gay time
Real shit
everyone in America agrees with this, even New Yorkers and Californians
Ahh shit, here we go again
Found this on a bulletin board at my university
Can someone provide context?
Most people don't know , but Poland threatend to invade Czechoslovakia if they don't give them some territories
Yuri Gagarin returns from early USSR test flight 1955
Creative and confusing
It happened on my first play and I got destroyed…
Rule number 1. Don’t get captured by the Japanese
breadcrumbs to something interesting
Nice guys really do finish last ;-;/
My girlfriend after we try anal for the first time...
Literally just happened to me, am I having a stroke or what
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
cool hat
What are everyone’s plans for the 12/25 Holiday?
Kayne West getting ready to sign autographs for his fanclubs Mississippi chapter Colorized.
Wait until he goes to college
Basic Night City Transaction
where did everyone go?
Adolph Hitler and his inner circle fleeing to Argentina
why you always gotta make things weird?
I passed the test :D
a terrible truth
the need for weed
Germany in the 1930s
Here's a little Birthday game, who did you get?
Who’s side will you fight on?
When in need, go back to your roots
portal, left 4 dead, team fortress and half life
Environmental Damage
honeytrap meme
I am atomic.
its too meta rn
Based spider man
One Inbred Boi