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Proposed statue in my city. No one can agree on what it's supposed to be/say.
By the gods
no nintendo november, bottom text. wait thats propably non what nnn is
These are all I know
More strange art you say?
Stop it. Get some help
Time for the poop knife
They’re a healthy food choice in general too
Small dogs scary af
Art Installation Dublin, The Spike, €4,000,000
The atoms are having a wild party lol
Bizarrest sheesh I've ever seen
Wrong Dr.
Imagine having a moment of silence in that suit
Carefully okay?
I just want to talk to foofoo..
Making memes about my countries history until i forget to day 2
It’s been 12 years…
Sir yes sir
Long live Heavy arquebus
US Marine Takes Quran Hostage
We learned this lesson a long time ago.
*V for Vendetta reference*
Pickett go ahead and send these men into the meat grinder for me, will you?
I beg your pardon?
Egypt getting screwed over by the british,name a more iconic duo
This furry has a point tho
Temple of Time open to Hylian citizens during centenary Festival of Light celebration.
Strange art sculptures you say?
The Beatles defending a free-kick
I just want to send silly emails sometimes
bind boggling
R.I.P wtf this was his last tweet. Alex Jones will go nuclear
Louis XVI's Execution .
ksayarsa, haksamanish...
Sergeant Ronald McDonald taking a smoke break after singlehandedly liberating Kuwaiti McDonald’s from invading Iraqis during operation Desert Shield
I prefer bow
"I'm all for gay rights, but James Charles is a gay wrong"
welp, at least i can look like a kung fu master
What is going on here??
Both are horny
Holy *** he is round
My submission for shitty hometown sculptures: the friendship shell Bay City, Michigan or as we affectionately call it, the toilet seat.
This is the right time guys
Wife has a habit of holding my hand when she's asleep. I rotated to the other end of the bed so I can watch anime on my phone and not wake her up and this is what happened last night
My city's shitty piece of art. Wellington, NZ. This is Quasi, and he is always watching you. Always.
prefer the OG one tbh
Add a tablespoon of dish liquid to clean your bath jets they say.
Minor mistake
Slightly different humans
microplastics, it's fantastic
Top 12 US states
Pure testosterone.
Shitty art installations? Leave it to Portland OR.
Dangit, no chance to sell a vacuum cleaner here.
Spotted in the university bathroom. Facts are facts.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 794 ✓
Inspired by history
I wish this wasn’t me
Ex Twitter Employee Opportunities
Our community
If you build it, they will cum...
the irony is how the value represents a dunning Kruger curve
Continue the sequence
My bol.
Right Mohammad? Right?
All I can think about when I see memes making fun of America.
French troops guard a supermarket during the Paris riots of 2010
Already posted on another sub, write your thoughts
Since we're posting our local shitty art installations... here's the one in my city! Half a mil
Anno Domini dating was invented in 525AD and wasnt widespread until the 9th century
5th november 1605: the day in which the gigachad Guy Fawkes became a legend
there's no reason for it to be dark any time before 8 pm.
supporting slavery are we?
Union Steel Armored War Elephants. 1800’s tanks. Lincoln missed an opportunity
one big promotion is all we need
good samaritan
They are just short
This sign was mixed in with all the others in my neighborhood
My dad made a logic map to help him when he argues with my mom
The *** is Earth Updates