Well this is awkward... at least World War 3 is averted

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That's why we're all here
Julie Andrews preparing for Mary Poppins
Twitter currently.
A happy life
She teaches at other school
Reading about Rwanda makes me wish the UN had even a fraction as much power as the kooks think they do
I'd say *mostly* unhated..
Seriously though, wtf happened?
hmmm, interesting
Write that down write that down!
You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?
I keep my gosling folder on the safest place i know - company cloud server
Perfect Cell because I'm perfect
From your friendly local Pest Control company.
2014, Poland reaction to crimea occupation
Disney is posting losses
Well at least it's cuter now
Not a pro-gamer move
Oddly specific compliment/insult
True gigachad was fully vindicated when the germ theory of disease was formulated
If you're going to be a villain, you better commit to the bit
Philosophy history anyone?
I used to work at the customer service desk
I've lost my last braincell with these people.
Hungary creating their capital in 1873:
Hot take on a 200 year old novel
They were, in fact, bad.
At least they stay there, unlike Romanians
I made a meme, about the people who commented on my meme
Poland when Russian missiles hit them
First Germans now Russians wow
Now all frens can see fren.
No, I'm Elon Musk!
Bro i swear Poland is an magnet for things like these.
Polish revenge
"HONEY! Its those seed people again!"
Don't hate the playa, hate the game
NATO be like the time has come
2 Russian stray missiles hit Poland
Hugelol is wholesome UmU
This is why I prefer writing it down
resist the temptation guys
Last words of Robert Childers,
Sensitive little things
Or you can go to Europe where 30 authoritarian parties fight over whether tax should be 75% or 100%
Unhated presidents
Both had The same Catastrophe
too much chainsaw
Brought you by Sam O'Nella
Things are about to get real
I think I lasted long enough
Do the funni Poland
Guys, come on
I think I'll win
Anal Non-Disclosure?
Least cringe insult by an art person
Whatever Naval engineers of the 19th century were having, I want it!
Michelangelo paints the ceiling of The Sistine Chapel
German soldier test flights a secret weapon days before the invasion of Poland
He walked it off
A 3-wheel car with a 4x4 badge
too cute to hurt me
Mfs who believe in physical abuse reading this:
has anyone seen a robot head standing underground somewhere?
Spy X family for me.
Express way
Rip and tear until it's done
British ingenuity
You know something is gonna happen when you see these
got a bit carried away
Suspicious indeed
Maybe he was right
science is beautiful
addiction is next level stuff
King Henry VIII forms the Church of England
Bed Hogs Suck
It’s that time again
You need to check the temp in F° to understand the joke.
the owner replied to my yelp review in the best way possible
How do they swallow that crap
Do anyone know?
It’s the smoothierest
ngl she looks much more then makima herself
C&H used to be funny
USA/Isreal moment
Damn wops
So much for savings
Hideo Kojima performing his first job. It would later become the inspiration for Death Stranding.
Damn, I thought that was a military base and not an apartment building