And the award for America's #1 Failure Goes To...

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A picture tells a story
There's only 4
FIFA be like
second life vs meta verse
Woman does stupid sh!t:
it appeals to the male fantasy
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 807 ✓
Sign in the men's room at my local brewpub.
Set the workplace rules ahead of time.
I feel like this one belongs here, the Nero setting Rome ablaze part ofcourse...
Lindisfarne has entered the chat
I've seen to many memes here falsely blaming the Church for these
Sweet mixture of Axe bodyspray and Alpha body odor.
Kobeni's trolley problem
there's only two ways i take things!
Captain salt is the CEO of negligence
10 Seasons Of Wisconsin
OCGustav V making money
funky and bambam
Harry Truman, April 12, 1945.
The Armenian misunderstanding
There was a reason Americans referred to him as “Kash Mai Chek”
The reality is often a disappointment.
to be fair they used a red and black flag for like 9 years when they were an empire/kingdom
1st of October, 1983
kid named Horie San'uemon
"All Muslims are terrorists, and if not, all terrorists are Muslims"
The Bloodiest sandwich of all time
Supports need love too you know?
I'm no Builder but something isn't Quite Right
Chad chicken
Yes I live in a shithole, no this doesn’t mean I can’t criticize much worse shitholes.
Greatest clap back ever
A part of the tragedy not enough people know about
Wakanda by 2020
problem ***ing solved
The Wright Brothers invent the airplane,
I’m not sure how to feel about this
I had this doubt all night and I need you to help me decide.
Progressive Cause greater than any individual
What is the opposite of pspsps?
fact based meme
Not a very fun story
We're just lucky I guess
European superiority
I guess now I wont
I found this at local bus stop. I imagine someone held a woman at gunpoint, she stuck the tampon in the gun's barrel and it exploded when fired. I should probably move...
Explains a lot of things
Barry get my gun, we’re going on a manhunt!
USB killer
Oh that wacky Kobeni
**Sweet Home Shibuya**
Ah yes, the unwinnable game. We will meet again.
Poop in a bucket is art
Whoops committed a war crime
Don't go to the gym. It's fatphobic
Why is this even still in the news?
New Yorker struggle
I can't wait for that day
gamers rise up
How could you not feel safe?!
mighty seagull of the sea
gotta charge my car for 1 hour real quick
Will. You Mary. Me. To point at a third person, the conversation partner and yourself
Posting memes until I get my master's degree day 723 meme 1014
Give us a holler bud
We don’t have a colony on Mars because some king wanted a side piece
Man of Culture will use IV
British Empire stealing the Eiffel Tower
If only they knew our hardship
Under the mattress you’ll find
RIP Twitter
Sex Icon
War on drugs was always a joke
Timeline of the meme
Per rectum?…
It was right here!
Yeah dolphins are smart but a bit too smart
With dad
This guy gets it
Why so salty Britain? Stop Rajing!
My mom has had this newspaper clipping pinned to the cork board in her kitchen since I was 12. I am now 26.
Donald Trump?
Royal doppelgängers
Everyone loves a new templape, right?
The music is fire
Algeria's history in a nutshell
Forgot my phone in English today. Found this on the camera roll after my teacher returned it.
Playing the “will I have to resubmit this new patient paperwork” game
Go to escape room they said. It would be fun they said.
Finally pockets for Women