This is My Room in our "Newly Built" Family Home. I have to sleep in it now but Don't think I can. Should I burn the house down or abandon my parents?

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Just one sesame seeded bun please!
Le big mistake
Bryan had talent too.
Clarifying question
Gods and Generals is an awful movie, but this quote is funny to me
Real questions asked
Truly a gigchad among gigachads!
The 9 year olds can't get any smarter
They Both Were Right Though
Uh oh... this looks familiar
Good job, Qatar
I still find it crazy that in the Pacific GI's would be walking around with M&M's in their pockets...
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
just a normal nightshift in my hospital
This clock is paused in time forever
the real reason lucifer was sent to hell
It's coming homer!
A chicken map
It's dinner time and one of the dogs is blind
So good at generalship, he got away with being openly gay
Who's grandma feeding this chonky bear?
Traumatised for life…
Forgot the dumpster
Free Trolley
World Cup fans be like
I feel like that’s not quite appropriate….
"The perversion of these foreign devils know no bound!"
In response to the whole "kill ratio = winner" fallacy.
Fin and min ftw
Goodbye nobody.
french troops in a chateau caught a german soldier stealing wine, so they invited him in and gave him more
Breaking ankles out here
I dont watch soccer.
Qatar's Master Plan
They finally found the perfect match
" Don't say that, on the contrary, Japanese helped us in a big way " - Mao Zedong
Defination of truth
Trust me Iam a doctor
what Is worse
Eat one lose one liver free
insert James Bond movie title here
Garibaldi was one of the biggest gigachads in history
Soccer-ball race
It’s ok he just became an artist
It catches me off guard every time
Fun fact for those who speak German
I totally did not spend eight minutes making this as a reply to the question.
Umm..ok.. they're not lying though
Virgin hunters vs. Chad devils
Hey, I've seen this team before
: okay maybe that was too much, anyways, here’s Geneva convention guys
Winter Wonderland
A long time ago…
obi dank nobi
Why is this family feuding over flowers?
Well I’m screwed
Western expectations of what Greek "was" and "is" were wild
Elon Musk joining Twitter
She would absolutely do this
i mean i don’t like it either but damn
I’m cheering you on, Ecuador.
Things haven’t changed much
Inter-kingdom relations go brrr
Umm because
Anyone who plays 'hard to get' is trash
The seven deadly sins at their annual get together. 1991
You can't really fall for the bait again and again. Come on
Mary I had over 280 Protestants burnt alive during her 3 year reign
what realy enrages me
2000$ per month
Both are unhealthy and both need hugs. :')
It’s great when you realise that being just friends is sometimes better than dating :)
Does anyone actually all?
Team blue all the way.
Dreaming is superior to reality
oh what a shame /s
I mean what are they doing?
On this day 153 years ago the final design of the Confederate flag was approved.
Gif 4 life
Seriously guys, it's not that hard.
Absolute pain.
After his killing, Osama bin Laden's restless ghost seeks vengeance on the infidels
Monkey type beat
if you know ,you know
Rule #1: there is a fluffy cat, Rule #2: you cannot pet the cat
The Guianas
And i’m a very progressive person
Is it just me, or am I getting old?
Christ the King
Average 4th comment be like
How my school teaches me about Italian unification and German reunification
Turns out betting your life on your product is an effective marketing tactic.
God forgives sin for some cash
Some men waste as much as a third of their lives doing it