Friend works as security at a club in NYC and receives this as ID check.

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A bit oversharing when it come about manga/anime
please tell me this is a real album
Odin hanging himself from the branches of Yggdrasil for nine days and nine nights, c. 5000 BC
Fair system
you should be able to fit at least 5 on there
I feel like it should at this point be added to rule 5 due to extreme overuse because there is one on my home feed every other day
Most undeserving GOTY of all time
My wife is finally pregnant and doesn’t want to drink these anymore. What do you suppose will happen to me if I drink them instead?
give your opinion
The people from Minnesota are superior
New PC or modem
I saw this today at my daughters' elementary school. Maybe someone from the 1rd grade made the sign?
Big Brother is watching you
Brave pilots who shot down 500 German planes in the Battle of Britain.
For anyone that needs this
i see no lose
So painfully accurate
80s and 90s anime are good but the casual nudity is excessive
How anyone copes with that level of guilt is incredible
Cozy sheets
Homemade for the win
I know the word but I don't want to say it
The Middle Ages according to historians VS the Middle Ages according to Hollywood
My whole world is a deception
I guess singling out specific games draws too much ire...the sentiment still stands...
Review left for a local Target
SLEEP, It's what's for dinner.
I haven't seen these in years!
If there is any
My kind of YT video
Did you noticed that she looks like she is about to kill some Greek gods?
A message for people who mindlessly complain about certain animes having less quality than popular fan animations.
Thank you mom, very cool
These men were on the same front, at the same time, on the same side; walked away with vastly different outlooks on WWI; and went on to write the two most prolific books ever written about the war
Will this start a war?
Todays mission
So, I've been out for work doing in-person inspections all day. I had 8 appointments. Nobody said a word... ☠️
Wonderful Pen
I’m still scratching my head over why my watch felt the need to give me this award.
Big metal beast
getting banned in 3... 2... 1...
Imagine being this stupid...
Bonan nokton, Gabrielo.
Anyone else hate the idea that you can own someone else's house?
Well, his name is John Cena
Ah, so you've chosen your team for the next blood moon
Oh noes!
there's been enough crazy things to distract us
According to the U.S. National Security Agency's official history of the Vietnam war, the Ho Chi Minh trail was "one of the great achievements of military engineering of the 20th century"
Spartans assemble!!
So proud of him...
Literally tho
Harry Potter frees Dobby after him giving him a doobie, 1992
I think Noah is going to have a hard time breeding the lions
A Rather Festive Debate
How a Mommy toilet plunger carries her young
What would you do?
The goddess is jealous
Sometimes Mother Nature gets it right
I'm Aussie, and sick of the American propaganda
If these two ever meet, I can see this happening
Do more. Shits annoying. Been going since the 50s and 60s.
is that what i think it is....
I feel bad for her
If I see this template one more time I am going to flip
Manly sport
The Rock returns to local Pawa'a 7-Eleven store he used to steal Snickers bars from & buys every Snickers on the shelf
This took an embarrassing ammount of time to make
Replenish your genderfluids
1204, what a year!
Tōgō... get the Mikasa.
Ned Kelly was a badass
Finally, good news in film
It took one officer to have an idea and it brought down Ned Kelley the iron outlaw
Mrs. Chippy's last expedition
I have come to spread the word of GROND
omg thats crap listen to this!!!!1! stfu
let me make it simple
The Cycle Continues~
old time when the UN actually fought for collective security
Focusing on the wrong details here, man
Ancient Rome Moment
“Honey, are you okay? You’ve barely touched your Snickers seasoned chicken.”
Growing household
Atleast 250 Lost Ships To.. The Ocean?
If you know, then you know, and I’m very sorry that you know.
Sir Bardenkius willyfinger, siting up for WW2
I hope they’re not awake yet
Celebrating the birth of St. Mariah
Err umm salud!
You’re coming with me
My girlfriend was in charge of making hot chocolate tonight
Enrico Pallazzo getting prepared to sing to your majesty queen Elizabeth. 1995, colorized.