After WW2 German POW’s decided to stay in Canada because of how nice it was. After WW1 there were specific parts of the Geneva convention written because of them

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The first person to say gg before dying
1971 was a wild time in the Indian subcontinent
W-where did you get the...enemy...uniforms...?
there is no war in Ba Sing Se
Best deal
So there’s that.
N---'s in Paris, circa 1940.
Still processing.....
What's next ? Mordor ?
We can't have imperial samurai, but we have this
Seriously, every single anime and manga has this place near the protagonists house
No. Don't Say it. Please no.
winston be like
Originally made this in 2013, when I was REALLY into redheads... Wtf was I doing with my life man
You don’t wanna know which leaders knew about the camps
Buy the 100% one
Don’t think the feeling is mutual Ye
No, no, he’s got a point
It's a Name You Should Know
Let’s do this
I think we can all agree it ain’t that bad any more
My girlfriend going reverse Pisa meta.
Barbie and Her Tools for Crime
Time for tuna
Sauce: me on left
The Seljuk empire responds to Pope Urban II after the first crusade
Dickriding moment
Kanye West’s Grandfather
“Good things”
Its hurting my brain help!
How The Grinch stole slushies.
Not suprised tbh
No fricking way
Added a new ornament to our tree
Alex was actually the reasonable one, for once
He's a manch-
Waddle, waddle...
The Sikh wikipedia has been thoroughly scrubbed of this. The actual reason why they wear a Kirpan is only on the Kirpan entry
These guys...
I think waiting is fine
K-On but with crippling anxiety
SCP event prevented
Fire punch by Tatsuki Fujimoto
Elongated Musket
And of course the second phase is always stronger
Live-Action Pochita
Adolf Hitlers last preparations for the Invasion on Poland
I mean, why would you say that?
Car parked in San Francisco being put to the test.
Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points
Credit: sod4a on tiktok
Pokémon go brrrrrrrr
January makes much more sense
Restoration of independence *CARALHO*
English isn't my first language, I will be very grateful if someone explains
Child Deleted 1973
They did him dirty.
Looks like they couldn't handle the Goblin Style™
It's just sad
Hakuna Matata has been changes since your childhood
different types of people who enjoy history
I think she's trying to tell you something bro
Will Smith's family looking like a rogues' gallery of Batman villains
Goodbye or not
We gotta bring it back
Family tree of Charles II of Spain
Civilians? Don't care, they're all just bystanders anyway -Curtis LeMay
clogged arteries intensifies
First robot with vagina
Memes um uh uh um find a way.
Must’ve been his ninth life
It got better
i more pizza fan
Wait another year bro
I'd build stronger wooden doors :)
Don't please
Love these wacky unworkable ideas :)
"But we brought civilization" - roman empire invaders who just discovered civilisation
Crystal Castles
Medival Meme
*Nostalgia intensifies*
10 for effort
Yeah collaborators weren't well-liked to say the least
Two different worlds
Tonight sucked
Toenails have seen shit fingernails can't dream of
Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis was ostricized by the medical community after promoting hand washing to save women giving birth in 1850.
I want to go back
Come on hang it up in your office
I won NNN²
I just get so angry
Such a bad relationship :C