I learned in high school history that we kicked British butt in 1812, then in College I learned it was just a tie.

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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Crack a Cold one with the Boys Mate!
Death is not the end...
This stuff is more complicated than I expected!
I asked my mom to send me a picture of my dog, who she is watching for the holidays. She sent me this "proof of life"
Built a birdhouse with my 4 year. Accidentally sealed a banana in
I promise to behave...
Got a thoughtful Christmas card from one of my neighbors
It was a rare time
Children are optional, not a necessity
First ever computer generated render of an Australopithecus skull
summer is just superior
Singapore's union with Malaysia had lasted for less than 23 months
Some of you disgust me
hey kids how would you like to enjoy one of the darkest days of human history first hand?
I... umm... alright
Also I'm your grandson
The classic troupe
Oh it was about states rights Johnny Reb. A STATES RIGHT TO DO WHAT?
Don’t forget the $600 billion in lend lease plus all the intelligence sharing
and even less know who he is
That day
I made a guide to the holidays
undeniable proof that bears shit in the woods..
In the restroom at my worksite today.
found on a toilet lid - don’t even want to know what’s been happening here
Eat shit Eric
Possibly the strangest bumper sticker I've ever seen
It’s definitely not whiterun
But seriously, why?
The first t-34 which saw combat on the eastern front, 1941
Can emulate
Middle East Lore:
Marx getting inspiration for the Communist Manifesto
Language of the Gods
Virgin anglo chad latino
Hippity Hoppity, your money is my property.
AD is better than CE
Why nintendo... WHY!?
Unfortunately placed bat signal has made Batman look like he’s got terrible teeth
how one of my coworkers wrapped his secret santa gift
Here come the degenerates
Look what they did to this poor car
I just find it kinda weird
it's party time boys
Nothing personal kids
USA congress deciding what to teach kids.
what game is this?
I always wondered why
Quite indeed
either way one of my wishes will com true
Made my own holiday sweater for my company party
Took my dad's cat to the vet this morning. This was his reaction seeing me again later in the afternoon
If you're lucky
real life hacks the goverment doesn't want you to know
1/0.5 = 2
Wake up Bocchi, it was all just a dream
le mon
certified by hayase
Brillant man
Struggling with dating
I mean literally no one cares
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 829 ✓
Not desensitized enough
Elon Musk gets his first tattoo
Hitler got rejected into art school
FYI, it does not have to be one of the 5 seen in this photo
I've been waiting far too long to make this one
Ramses II has been done dirty by the Old Testament
It’s been 2 years…
Meta Discussion Thread #38
Alemdar Mustafa Pasha, the Grand Vizier who blew up his own house
My Type Of Girl !
prominent nuclear physicist Dr. Emmett Brown was gunned down in a mall parking lot. He was survived by his dog Einstein.
DreamWorks please make this happen!
Customer service done right
What do you mean you can't have it both ways?
William William henry Steven henry Richard john
Finances? Why would I worry about that?
To be clear this doesn’t refer to a real event. It’s just a joke about how ridiculously OP Yi was
"I'm gonna do what's called a 'Pro gamer move'"
“Believe it!”
My neighbor’s 3-story tall Santa
I have a Science exam tomorrow but nothing Lu Bu's ancient anecdotes cant defer
America's first woman senator, everybody.
I absolutely love slice of life but am just too afraid to talk about it with people.
My homework assignment was to make history memes
Game Awards in a nutshell
England's favorite pastime is losing to France
Three brave souls
Remember kids: there are no "bad" or "good" nations. The question is will single nations accept their guilt and try to get better