My girlfriend and I have a long running game going with my parents where we pick up filthy fridge magnets and hide them in each other's homes. This one has made it through since the 24th undetected.

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woke up to this little burrito today
Too complex
Peljidiin Genden: The Mongolian Gigachad
Yep, that totally happened
*sweats in middle east and russia*
Admiral Spruance was an underrated Chad.
Can't help but think this whenever I see 'CE' and 'BCE'
Well, the turntables
Hail the reforms
Remember kids : Don't be a sucker, kill your dictator.
The early days of European colonialism
Let's all start walking teabag style?
Met Wayne on a road trip, he has been carrying a picture of his pride and joy for 50 years
My mom texted me this picture saying she ‘caught’ my cat doing this. We’ve never seen her do this before
Truly a chad behavior
Meet Aki :
Vassili Arkhipov was maybe the biggest chad that ever existed
Thomas is arrested for his participation in Minion genocide of Algeria, 2014
We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!
Let's see how long this lasts...
i don't want to see that shit
Based Canada?
Puppet Master Jutsu!
I slapped this together.
laughs in uncircumcised
The Fall of the Roman Empire, 476 A.D.
Less stale WW1 meme+chemistry meme. Enjoy!
Oh s*it
No shame in that
Chad applied philosophy
He made sex change legal but same-sex marriage remained illegal
And there we are just trying to afford a place to live in
Adorable mass
yeah, like the guy from taxi driver
And what do you call that?
Crispy Meme #888
Boob physics masterclass
men vs. women at the gym
Mommy indeed
TLOS show won’t even hold a candle to Arcane bruh
Which name’s your fave?
Biblically accurate croissant
What a coencidence
Thank you, Germany for devastating Britain to a point they couldn't maintain their overseas colonies
The kink of the pink
Somehow she gets tired
Don’t cry later if you ignore this
My wife and I looked at this chance card and both went “absolutely ***ing not”.
It’s best not to think about it
It’s cool
What has he done to deserve this?
The archives!
No need for the gigachad meme as William H Carney’s portrait is Chad enough. The true meaning of a patriot
It is a hill i’ll die on
My family Jewish, so instead of getting a Christmas tree we got a Hanukkah bush
Me and my glass pineapple Pineson.
Lucky she is
I’m late to the party but oh well… The ending is shit tho
it's so weird listening to what they say
my rear isn't looking forward to this journey again
The Last Of Us can't even innovate adaptations of video games
Friends helping bloke get home after his 33rd birthday
My money is on Mr Goodman
Can't wait anymore!
Its a battle for survival
"ight, give me the ugliest car you got"
How the Spaniards named the Yucatán peninsula
Much easier and no mess
Since so many people have been asking...
People for some reason seems to forget that detail al lot
Took some international pressure to, but it did happen to them too.
Absolutely halarious and original meme made in the shower II
Mom shops & wraps way early, like September. Dad died unexpectedly on 12/17/22. Opening this wallet “From: Mom & Dad” was…interesting.
Twin target mom, komi mom, nakiri mom, lisa lisa mom, mrs. Tamaki mom, tsurara mom
Gonk Gonk Gonk
Went to Pisa this month; never take pictures in a rush.
I don’t think my 10 year old was pleased to receive the Narnia books for Christmas
Absolutely halarious and original meme made in the shower
name a better trio
BMW getting out of control
Ernest Evens is the Embodiment of a Gigachad
Teeth problems :(
Petition to add Alfred Molina to the unhated actors meeting
At least they made things... interesting
My Christmas wish for all of you
Mariah Carey is an undead Litch
Idea of Taco Bell, 1849
These crossovers are getting ridiculous
Stop HRE hate
Seems legit