I only knew it was out because of all the memes

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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Another proletarian victory!
What's the term for this type of show?
Inflate deez nutz lmao gottem
Dis is sewious
Does it count as a History Meme?
I have zero title creativity so yeah
As an American, Here Is How I See Australia
Since everyone is showing their not very important inventions
Sewer drip
I might know where they went...
Can't wait to show this sharp stick i just invented
The jig is up, Nagatoro stans
I didn't even know he could write!
Not pictured: Australias trying to mind their own business
Pytheas was a real chad
Let's talk about how Russia got a bloody nose from rebels who had absolutely zero foreign state backing
allways the same
Who is your favourite fearless hero
Trans Antarctic enthusiasts run into trap set up by transphobic conservatives in Antarctica
Princess of the Hill
Now that is some naughty stuff.
i sure hope nothing bad happens
Is number 83 from Yu gi oh a dommy Mommy?
Send more!
A meme from the "other" Confederacy:
My mom is diabetic. She eats Rockets to raise her sugar levels. I come to the pantry looking for something to snack on and find this.
Now for my next trick
top (wife) ramen
Tactical camel
It’s that easy guys
saw a post shifting on SAO saying it's trash but truly this anime is the trash one. Sorry to whoever is a fan but this is one cringe amime
Western Asia status: trolled
this just in: failing to achieve your objective, losing more soldiers and losing more land than your enemy counts as a win
She didn't wanna pay
Ronald Reagan taking shot at John F. Kennedy
Glark glark or glock glock
When I say I'm doing nothing, I take it seriously
who's your favorite fearless hero?
The Risk I Took Was Calculated
its gif
World War 2 veteran's trauma persists years later
hail math major
Downloaded the Wrong Velma
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 876 ✓
He killed himself
No to cancer
When a Music Legend Learns About Your Death
Finally cutting the cord any suggestions on which streaming service I should try first?
Netflix did a Netflix again
Do People Agree?
What color is Science?
Once she opened the package, my wife realized she already bought this for Kindle
This Yelp review for discount tire
Ultra vs Low quality PC gaming.
Truely the best society
Her bed was put on the chair while we were sweeping. 4 hours later, she won’t move and growls when we come close.
“I know this: if life is an illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content.” ~Conan
Again. God of the Underworld does not mean Bad guy
As an American, this is how I see America
The more popular the show, the bigger the spank bank
The Kingsmill Massacre
The disrespect is crazy
Did you know ballons were invented on Mexico?
All just children
Chad horse
We, we, we
Cutting corners and being lazy with the design
Made by me and a buddy. He needs a name.
off to go do his favorite things
L Genes
Pope Francis is a chad
Saitama found a new pet
He planned the whole thing!
Look how they mascaraed my boy
It bothers me so much.
Our daughter flawlessly recreated our 30-year-old senior photos
TFW your friends are outside playing
This rly is conflicting
1889 - Birthplace of Adolf Hitler Braunau, Austria
Our only strip club in town.
Aussies too
Tactics did evolve in WW1
i n t e n d
Canada invented ballin! very cool!!
we were busy killing each other, whilst all the beavers were mucking around in the water having a good time...
It's just a joke, i love democracy, wouldn't live without it
Japan on December 11th, 1941
Who’s the afterthought now?!
I'll take a chocolate milkshake, hold the artillery support.
Hey Mary...
glick'd up granny
rob a bank