Contrasted by all their bigotry, we gotta give them credit where credit's due for trying

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Come with me to Candy Mountain, Charlie!
We need to keep our mushroom zombie show pure
These fellas look highly suspicious, also the car may be stolen... Not sure if I should report it or not ...
This place can be strange sometimes
you simply would not believe me if I told you what was on the cover of our local parish magazine
Someone sent a resume with their Duo Lingo streak under ‘Languages’
Romans at the Battle of Cynocephalae
Can't even use Netflix while travelling
Out of hundreds of fake tattoos my daughter could have chosen after the dentist visit, she chose a tick...
This is why you have to be careful with what you tweet
It can always link back to England
they were just horny
it is thanks to india and the ussr that i can live in freedom
Arcane Overflow
Do you have fondness for prequel memes?
“Are there really going to be 7 of these things?”
Discovery of Kentucky Fried Chicken by Colonel Sanders and his team
Can’t tell if the Ad is for a dating site or are they subconsciously trying to get short guys to convert?
Would be a shame if someone stole it later
You can never out-roll the rick
Leonidas of Sparta faces the Persian invaders at the Thermopylae, 480 BC colorized
quite the opposite
265 septims are 265 septims
There are no Dunkins where I live, so while visiting my home state I got a Boston Kreme, that came out like this...
I may have done a fair share of marketing myself...
China rn
European meme
Bit fruity innit
The Count!
If Samuel Jackson was a wizard he'd have this sticker
You see, this is why we can't have nice things
Its all a disaster for them
The good old phalanx, nothing beats that...
The new meta in 2023
as an Indian i can confirm
Rapid Vaporization
Anime I won't forget in 10 years
Saw this weird satellite in the sky earlier and wonder if I should be concerned?
Cannot un-see...
2d over 3d?
They made a deal with the devil
That’s a fun fact Austin!
It doesn't have to be an insult
Thoughts ?
Supermodels, all of them
Pick your side:fat homophobe kid or fat homosexual kid
somehow works
Grimes and Elon Musk begin seeing each other romantically
Rich kid.
Looks like Limewire is making a comeback
Found this gem on Facebook Marketplace.
what should I wear
This is such an obvious joke im surprised i havent seen it yet
I'm backing down
Why is it always this look?
Radar system of the J-8B
My wife and her class made "ground hogs".. I can't stop laughing.
Splinter is finally detained after decades operating as an unlicensed martial arts instructor
Not sure if this belongs here...
We might be bad, but tbh you guys are too.
Too bad they still lost in the end
The all seeing cats
We even tried to nuke the moon one time
You can hear it in their voices
Countries when talking about war crimes
Safety first! No bringing your Batarangs on the planes!
A core memory was made
Turn back to me playing a gig in 2007, didn't have a microphone stand so had to ask my band mates brother to hold the mic for the whole set
we men need this will some women also
You know you are old when you have to explain to people where 3-episode rule came from.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 877 ✓
Do it do it do it do it
Greek gods;
Come at meeeeeee
ai’s attempt at a sign language guide
We are gonna take your pillows
Would be a shame if something were to ruin the day
The battle of the worst
"You're a Guy" is not a ***ing excuse.
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A bootleggers modified car during prohibition
ETH ride
The Deeply Confusing World of the Mexican Revolution
It's over
Seriously, look it up. It's madness.
Delhi, India under British rule
I just wanted some Dank memes
Saw a guy change his shoes out for a new pair and walk out.
I hope the Texas police understand why I didn't use the Cross Walk button...
Crispy Meme #925
Misty becomes a transphobe
Don’t drink and…
Every dog has his day
I don't know, I'm just posting it
Finally made it
Ron DeSantis and his date attend an event celebrating his commission as an officer in the U.S. Navy - 2004
No one ever talks about these two?