A Priest preparing for attack in the Age of Empires game, 1997

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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Shorter titles are more appealing and attention grabbing
People behave differently in different countries, let alone worlds!!!
Daaaaaaaayyyyyyvvvee... ... ...
Grand Moff welcomes new Sith Lord
Historymemes when a nazi says they hate communists:
If you're going to argue something, at least understand it
Moment ruined fr them
Let me give you a hand climbing down from your high horse
I video-call
WOW! Who wants to start a bank?
Imagine being so evil that you're legally diagnosed to be insane but you're executed anyways.
found this at an estate sale!
Me or the PS5
Have some respect!
Dragons: European vs Asian folklore
If only she knew
I couldn’t remember how to spell Worcestershire sauce while ordering from Walmart, so I expected the search bar suggestions to tell me…
So Anyway, Started Blasting
important cat post
Someone was definitely not loving it.
It’s all I taste.
Women who actually say what they want>>>>
Since we have a lot of battle hardened veterans as protagonists
Me and the boys
I guess im too close?
Like, chill out, Serbia
UK Slander
That one girl in your high school who's unreasonably obsessed with Thomas Jefferson starterpack
Wizard game
Waitress left kind messages on our drinks. Feel like mine's missing something...
Ananda makes an uncharacteristic mistake
Working out hard or hardon working?
we just killed a "few"
WTF Happened on Iwo Jima
Honestly, bf probably still end up on the edge of it
Romulus woke up and chose violence
Guys I’m gonna have a valentine this year ❤️❤️❤️
Genghis Khan, shortly after marrying his first wife, Börte, in 1178.
Simple facks
Just in time for Valentine's Day
trimming all by yourself handsome?
The "Oresteiaka" incident - Culture war before it was cool
sun glasses
***ing Tofu Salad
It seems like some of the historians in this sub should start using other sources than their high school textbook.
Emperor Nero finally releases his mixtape c. 64 C.E
They sure take that one seriously
Kids these days have it EZ
He didn't even bothered to show up
Help me solve a bet. Shoes or sandals?
post-climate change world
They needed a way to recover from Lightyear
I personally use sand paper...
The interservice rivalry was a ***
Neolithic memes are underrated.
Nature is healing!
Thank you kind stranger
Team America World Police
Why must they waste the colorful peices for the places you won't see!
international community
nailed it
Which is best?
Me seeing 52 colours
Leonardo Dicaprio on a date with his girlfriend.
Gotta be safe
Bring out the mayo
i'm so livid right now
Leaked page from the US police department instruction manual
The “Gospel of Wealth” is an interesting read
Since we’re having THAT debate again…
So edgy
Stop arguing
Always seems to happen doesnt it?
Yo wtf Spider-Man
Almost identical!
This is a review for a French toast recipe
A risky, yet rewarding tactic.
Wasn't expecting that to be a spicy take tbf.
Stop it. Get some help.
It's not a harem anime. But it is 100% yuri, no bait
My co-worker asked me if I could tell him what the symbols meant because I know Chinese.
Why is it so expensive?
Just so we're clear
The assassination of J.F.K in Dallas, TX
My friend says I should watch 310 episodes to see if I like it or not
Daily Erwin meme #1830
you know what rhymes with witch
No it doesn’t
Barnacles, I hate the pill
Things that I noticed on the USA side of the internet.