I can’t figure out what my Year 2 student is trying to say…

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Only after they finish their eggs
Formerly undiscovered tribe in Alabama attempt to throwdown a spy balloon 2003
and lichen
Colonel Sanders shot a guy
Underrated comet
I don't get the Antisemetic accusations in Hogwarts Legacy, the Goblins look exactly like all Goblins ever looked and D&D Goblins are greedy ***s too.
Seems like a trustworthy salesman
Dragon haircuts Cats
Getting freaky in the dark ages
Diogenes scolds enslaver
Alright hear me out
“A man is but a product of his thoughts… and I’m thinking of killer laser eyes.”
This made me giggle more than I expected.
Sick humor.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 891 ✓
I saw Michael Jackson in the Egyptian exhibit at the Chicago field museum
Chainsaw boy
Monks knew better
When you find a new continent
quality assurance doesn't want you to know this one trick
this is a certified Indo-European classic
Screw your star sign, what knife you using?
Amane's parents truly are the best wingmen
That one girl in your high school who's unreasonably obsessed with the Russo-Japanese War starterpack
2 weeks old and my granddaughter is already judging me.
About to be banned from chess brb
It has gone too far
What's Hogwarts Legacy?
What game is it Hodd Toward?
Tolkien will always be based
:thumbsup button:
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! A pirate's life for me!
Nevermind by Nirvana
So, not vegan then?
Pretty sure things like slavery are bad, guise
Get ready for a fight.
Filmmakers trying to do justice medieval Mongol
Sam Smith posing at the Brit Awards
very interesting title
We are all descendants of Adam and Eve, except when we have to choose someone for the throne or to marry the heir
You can run, but it won't help
The Great Mughals were not all great, or even Moguls.
Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, and Anne of Cleves didn't just take his shit lying down.
It's not for everyone
Technically correct, which is the best kind of correct
Checkmate liberals
Melona mirror
First ever picture taken of earth from Apollo 17 December 7, 1972
say no.more
These lies must come to an end.
Humans and microbes sign an agreement on the 5-second rule. Circa 1945.
Cyberpunk Edgerunners
We’ve come a long way as a society
Interesting offer at the local pub
One Love and Love One
Wait so they still exist?
all my fellow mineral enjoyers can relate
Jokes on you I support both!
Alex, I’ll take “Tweets that aged like milk” for 400.
The game is more diverse and inclusive and progressive than the books ffs
That time of year again is closing fast
Hans, diese Panzerschokolade schmeckt ist super.
For anybody needing help :)
The power of coding
Don't forget to cancel netflix if you have it.
Cash in on the opportunity
So which one is it?
Typical East Asia moment
I just realized-
The hundred dollar question
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 890 ✓
And screw *ALL* the red flags!
One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts are behind that mask...
A reminder that US actions during the Gulf war were labeled a "Genocide" by UN coordinator at the time
Shellshocked soldier, before/after, 1936/1943
Gluck gluck 9000
"I can laugh about it now, but if the Nazis had known who I really was, I wouldn't be alive."
First restaurant catering exclusively to gamers opens
I paid a bunch of money to sit in business class only to have some dude rest his hand in my area. I'm thinking I should dip his fingers in warm water?
Sigmund Freud collecting data for his controversial theories about females. Circa 1901 AD.
If Netflix emails were honest
All of us, basically
Julius Caesar sneezes during his assassination
So voluntary, it had to be enforced by hostage-taking and physical punishments: Egyptian corvée labor
Mhm good friends.
Sword Art Online: it exists whether we want it to or not
I trust you with every cell of my body.
What is this feeling?
The myth of consensual Anschluss
NFL players attempt to steal a glance at his teammate's wife
Israel and the US, a journey through history
Tatsumaki - 28 years old
Very one dimensional
I’ve definitely never been addicted to anything, if this is how it works.
Pure border gore