We still allowed to make fun of the Marvel film, right?

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A Family reunion
Girls don’t know what they’re missing out on
i am an uncool loser...
That's British Broadcasting Company, not....well yeah
“Do not let drugs define you.”
Curious to know why he did
Scenario: you are bored in a postpartum hospital room and there’s a whiteboard and dry erase markers
Just do a bit more research and they can find epic tales of war involving minorities and women
frankenstein is the real monster
Nice bro! enjoy those extra 3 NPCs and few more blades of grass!
He who casteth thy negative comment shall be subject to review
China lost an awful lot in WW2 just for people to forget them
Just saw the results, dunno what to say
This has to be one of the most badass lines in the history
curse you random thought
Those kooky Yankees…
D for all of the above
He wasn't wrong, right?
My 14 year old’s ceramics final project.
This is autobiographical
William Wallace is emasculated, disemboweled, and burned
"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"
Spare a potato, comrade?
The Mysteries of the Investigation of the Curse of Oak Island
The Völsunga saga in a nutshell
In 1972 the FBI released this composite sketch of the main suspect in the skyjacking of Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305. The man who identified himself as DL Hughley has never been captured.
Female Recommendations
The first documented case of Schizophrenia
My mom locked my switch and I cant find the key
It's what it's
An unfortunate series of words were uttered... luckily the only people around were also parents of toddlers who understand that kids sometimes put random words together.
I’m no photoshop guru, butt the Kardashians were basically asking for a fart edit with this pose.
I can’t believe this is a real store…
There's only one way
I mean, can we just stop?
Scariest jumpscares
Dave is Trojan
Hmm 3
Have a nice… day…
Metallurgy for the win
Absolutely not bone of my sword
I’m bored at work. Help me think of more things for the crawfish to say?
Delivery of a hard disk drive to Bill Gates town house. The drive cost $14m and had a capacity of 256k.
Seriously, does anyone know?
well would you look at that
Trust me, I’ve been to Japan
Hoping it’s the Mrs. driving today.
Throw seed oils in the sink
Everything but that
Avoid that zone
I think it’s broken.
Pablo Escobar pitches a new business idea
A regular sight around Anchorage, Alaska.
Yt premium is useless
There wouldn’t be nothing to pirate if it wasn’t for us
Use the spoiler tag people
I have the honour of travelling past the site of this wacky and uncharacteristic event quite frequently
And all that because some poor ass kids spread that rumor
Make sure you get a clean shot off, this guy is known for surviving some pretty serious shit
Everest never saw the mountain and didnt want to name it to be named after himself
sometimes we all have more in common with one another than we think
I’ve never known anyone in person who’ve gotten their sea monkeys to live longer than a week.
It feels like it was yesterday
the upper one actually applies to most anime fandoms
Go ahead just place it on the scale
Trader Joe’s Super Bread is so super, it expires only next year
Live Subaru reaction:
An aviation history meme
Those are some good reasons
Cool boss
Benjamin Franklin visits the glory hole of a Parisian brothel
How come we don't mention this little incident that took place in the senate floor in 1856?
The shadows of people left behind in the atomic blast - Hiroshima 1945
Easter Decorations are getting out of hand
That's it?
Representation of different regions in animes.
Don’t make me laugh Odysseus
You americans bewilder me
cough baka to test
Red used a Dark move
Well... It is not!
Please don't die
The first 5G chip introduced to the world.
Trash Isekai
The Pope Line from 1494 be like
What is my purpose
McDonalds Order playlist on spotify lol
I could stop any time tho
Rare snowfall in California. Friend set out to make a “realistic” snowman…