You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a shithead

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Heroin Training
My wife…sleeps like this…?
Weren't even independent for 2 weeks
Nothing hotter than a dad-mom
The Mars Automatic Pistol
karma for wearing a fez
I think one of my chickens was involved in an explosion…
Army of Nazi skeletons piss of museum owner and cause mass havoc
I guess this is the end…
Saw this on my way to work today.
Did you know Benjamin Franklin wrote a book on finding a wife where he basically admitted to loving MILFs?
At first, it was just the pants... and then WTF are they eating, a bat?
me at parties now
Amy Schumer being escorted out of a flooded night club.
choose wisely
Presidential Roadtrip
Rudolf Hess in 1941
The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD perfectly preserved the people of Pompeii in calcified layers of ash, giving us an everlasting impression of their final moments
Did He Break or Uphold the Bro Code?
The Political Police would like a word with you.
All working cope is good cope
Perks of the Job
It’s exactly 30 years ago today that the greatest failure in American law enforcement began
If you can't summon your own demon, store bought is fine
Found this dog abandoned off the side of the road. He won't leave my chickens alone.
I'm Hillary's husband
I would like to have sex with tom89s wife
Mackensen is the definition of a full life
Gangs All Here
Child-proof kitchen.
"I have an inability to say no, if I were born a woman I would wish to be as ugly as I am now so I would never meet such temptation"
Prepare for Carbonated Trouble
Enkidu’s favourite joke
Constantine XI
So this is what they do after their shows
The first ever photographed closeup of snake scales on a color scanning electron microscope
What an average day!
Level 4 Cultist
My wife’s vitamins increase her survivability chances in a fight against yogurt by 10!
Cambodia police training
Proper Language
***ing egomaniac
Everywhere I go I see this
Little Nazi tries to steal shortbread
The power of guerilla warfare
Adolf Hitler pictured with his waifu
7/11 is dangerous after midnight
Oh grandma
Private Ash Ketchum is ambushed during the Vietnam War
@the_bottom and @the_top
attack on pokemon
Doesn’t have any braincells either
j o e
My kid had an educational day at the zoo.
how is this even possible?!
I don't brush my teeth anyway
leash your dog
Our local sheriff’s office regarding the blizzard rolling through today in the Sierras.
You are being liberated. Please do not resist.
I told my fiancé, “yeah that’s perfect.”
Schrödinger's Bag
as someone with Autism, stop getting upset over words.
Since some think it's a waifu utopia
U.S. isn't the rainbow dreams but it's also not the hellhole described on the media.
Got divorced this year. This is how it’s going.
i bet all my money on dante
Damn That Movie Suck
Barbara Howard didn't make a really good deal
No, I don't believe you!
just try me
My company provided me a brand new laptop with a user manual DVD. The laptop does not have a DVD player.
The "go away" spray.
it's like a magic spell
Avengers : Age of Hitler
Whoa! Samus is a chick? Cool!
Defectors over scrap
Apparently Hitler wasn’t just a ***, but a dumbass too
I tried to take a picture of myself but apparently looked at the phone midway through.
Sic Semper Tyrannis is more a rule than a saying
Japanese soldier hides out among dead comrades
What happened to Nanny McPhee
Elsewhere: "and rabbits are birds"
It’s ok France they still hate you
This HAD to be intentional, right?
"Where should I put the coupons?...just anywhere on the box? Okay."
Apartheid Algeria is TOTALLY a good idea
Been there
Sorry I’m late, I couldn’t find the number
Military historian aka average discord wehraboo
Jesus breakdancing to impress hos friends
my wife drew a picture of our son...
How about some economic history memes?
Meanwhile in Canada…