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The revolution will be livestreamed on TigerDile™.
It will be gay, furry, and in space.
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Do not awaken a sleeping giant.
Controversial opinion?
dem brhs based
Naruto's todo list
Attack on titan in nutshell
*sea shanties intensify*
This happen to anyone else? What a rabbit hole I jumped down!
I’m sorry Dad
you 2
Oh you catholics...
Aww Krillin IS cool
President Donald Trump presents his budget to reopen the government
Damn... almost as if when you generate more revenue you get paid more.
Opinions ≠ facts
Germany invades Poland, September 1, 1939.
Never wearing it
China: Suffering from success
Laughs in horse
the fortune cookie is always right?
SKOOLKNIGHT after the weekly reset
Albert Hofmann after accidentally ingesting LSD, 16 April 1943
The true way of photoshopping
It hurts and I don’t know why
Daily Nichijou meme #1784
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 912 ✓
$400+ dollar order for the place I work, we can’t send them back lol
If you nose you nose....
Modern day japan
Thank you kind hero
One of my coworkers who used to like Dilbert was surprised to find out Scott Adams is destroying his own brand. He sent me this in response.
Fornicate with maidens, acquire currency
Educational show
I heard my wife break out laughing in the book store. This was why.
*shakes nervously*
How about 4269?
Press F for Dio
This is business!
Why are we like this?! Damn...
Based on popular Polish joke
Fine… I’ll do it myself
Windstorm took down the tree in my brother’s back yard. He sent this picture to the family with the caption “It's a real beaut Clark! Someone help me get it inside!”
I just don't fell sad
East Tokyo
Grigori Rasputin spotted outside the Winter Palace, St. Petersburg.
Eric and Don Trump Jr. meet their new step-mom, Melania
tell me which i should do next
It’s not even a good excuse for war, but it was actually listed as one of the official reasons by the British for overthrowing Napoleon
Best comment gets DMd a picture of a croissant
Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Henry the eight?
Roger Roger. Found on friends FB
Perfectly Balanced Anime
The world be changin
Rejoice Greeks for you are now under Roman "protection"! Now pay taxes.
I now own the TinTin tin and present you with a Tin in a TinTin tin.
Well, I guess, you know…
Comrade Smoke
they don't have fists, my dude
Leonardo da Vinci tests one of his designs for a flying machine, c. 1505
How is Dutch even a real language?
Bro that one is actually funny
Anyone know what this is in Latin?
Worst promotion ever.
Fear not, friends.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 911 ✓
I wonder if they'll notice the odd one out.
More people should be like this fr
it Is a beautifully messed up movie
Government-Sponsored RickRoll
The Human Zoo.
Martin Luther posts his 95 Theses. 1517 AD
Looks like Ed Sheeran has picked up some bad habits
It ain't much but it's honest work
Each country with its colony
Sometimes, it certainly do be like that
And do not lead me into temptation
Reading Cooking Instructions
It really was painful…
To Snitch or Not To Snitch
Who was the third guy again?
Time to do the right thing
China's Misconception about Morale .
Opium parrots: Finally a worthy opponent!
Stay away from her
The War of 1812 was a weird side quest of the Napoleonic Wars
An absolute Chad of a Taras
Just Alpha thingz
They would do this
Tbh... every man in the world
At an Ice Cream Shop in Minnesota
Schools don’t even teach it and it’s sad