This Mexican restaurant used to be a Chinese restaurant. Instead of painting over a mural, they just put sombreros on the pandas

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The modern Replication Party is formed
New Jersey surprise
Wait, can all of human history not be condensed into less than 500 pages? is that bad history?
top gs after smoking a 1000 cigars in a year
Someone leaves their boobies on the roadside
the bravest thing i have ever done...
Okay, maybe the future isn't as near as we thought.
What's the matter Billy?
how relatable is it?
like a gallon and a half
Deku made a 180 turn
yes, this actually happened
I need a brain blast for this one
my Instagram feed today
Pepe/apu a day - 430 common
I'll never get it
Click here for migraines
Ahh yes, let’s just blind people in 3000 lb death machines going at high speeds.
thinking of buying a new car to impress the ladies
Physics vs Chemistry
AK-47 Supremacy
This isle in Safeway
It's a must watch
she doesn't understand
Behold, a new innovation!
Anyone care to decipher this?
Rice bags :)
Cheese has a short shelf life in my frig
I need better camera angles!
and you start to give up on life.
It’s an irrational fear.
W teacher
Try clicking on a post and going sideways.
Can't wait to see this movie
Aint gonna play out too well for him i guess
a littel bit sus
I bet you can't read this without the song running through your head.
That 20k was just for the haircut.
Used to like it when I was a kid.
Meanwhile in Chicago: the gangs strike again
Ah yes, the bright future
American healthcare is invented
Billboard I saw on the way to work. I had to circle back just to be sure what I saw
The difference is night and day
My husband bought a new pan and the this was the only "caution" warning. Bird law wins again!
Idk if this was already created.
Deer attraction
keep ur friends close...
I can’t think of one thing that doesn’t suck now
Is it ignorance or stubbornness?
best boys
Ohio meme
looking for recommendations!
Your Daily Newsletter in Florida
This out of order sign
You lucky, you didn't fail
i dont think two is allowed
Gun Foolosophy
I get sick of Twitter sometimes
Pay your tribute, become silverpilled
Better stay quiet
All very admirable careers... wait a second.
When you say racist slurs to your cat
That time when the South Korean Army was so brutal in the Vietnam War that America asked them to calm down.
Least religious slav
Getting shots
Not even the 60s, just 1960 alone
Truly one of the relationships of all time
I want a blue-eyes white dragon
The first man to program in python
Came back to my puppy just chillin
Don’t be shy now
You know what they say, 12th times the charme
***en haha
Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich
Exodia the Forbidden One, seconds before game ending his opponent
Yeah it,s never gonna end
the kid's on crack
Trump Initiates Campaign to Attract "Repressed" White Voters
Still a cool logo
I'm sure it was a hard choice for him
My brothers in Christ i have a plan
Arab traders would often fabricate tall tales about where they got spices to maintain a monopoly on the trade.
JK Rowling even had the audacity to depict government surveillance as a bad thing
|My Hero Academia| I'm fine guys
It is now Windows XD (Service pack 2)
Just wait and see what happens when you turn 12