My friend genuinely believes that he is a time traveler from the future that came back in time to improve Turkey.

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So i had my own answer and had to share
Today is the 108. anniversary of the war of gallipoli
Hawk of Judgement
why do they do this tho
Their favourite flavour
the end of criminals
Seriously, what kind of foreign language can have profanity obscene enough to one-up these two made popular by Polandball?
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 925 ✓
Make your own kind of music
Suddenly craving for garlic bread
Imagine if that really happened
Why doesn’t Ceaser just stand up and run away from the assassins? Is he stupid?
My beloved itsuki I'll always love you
She is Alive
No ur sweaty
A Certain Pokemon
The Simpnosis
Jan 6 1979: Voyager 1 takes the first ever close up picture of Jupiter,
As long as she doesn't make it into a candle, I'm like, whatever.
Just made this one
My friend said she wanted dory, this what he gave her.
Autism is released
Imagine being this guy doing the stock photo, "yeah just pretend to drink that apple cider!"
Been a long Saint Patrick’s day
Spotted on the Baltimore beltway today
Wine is stored in the balls
At the time, it was largely the only way women could successfully divorce their husbands.
Glad I live in Canada
Let's be honest, ravens were always cool
NGL, they are the best waifus.
Don't tell
A legitimate post from a small town Walmart.
I mean it’s a ***ing leaf.
The old artsyle hit's different
She's the voice of Carol both in english and japanese. Are there other VA who did both japanese and english?
Another recruit
Must feel weird surviving this
An Irishwoman encourages Saint Patrick to bring Christianity to her people - 432
Is there even anybody who showers in school?
The statistics on this are not looking good
Who you calling a pervert?
Something dodgy no doubt
Adams is critically underrated
Monday, March 20, 2023, marks the 20th anniversary to the start of the Iraq War.
Title is gone to pay rent..
'Gotta go fast
The ides of March 44BC
Joe Biden break dancing on the tarmac after receiving his first "10% for the big guy" payment in 2017.
Jetbeams melt can steel
The Chaco War 1932-1935
Seriously, Marvel, it was RIGHT THERE.
An artist impression of what my neighbor might look like
Why must you burden me so?
still better than coffee
Forgor i had this
Change my mind..
My first meme, I think it’s funny
A really persuasive guy
She didn't see that coming
Ctrl + Z is a blessing.
fly me to the moon so I can meet Kathrine McPhee
The Virgin Japanese and Nazis vs the Chad Spanish and Portuguese
Manga vs American Comics
Ke Huy Quan sneaks into the 2023 Frasier Family Holiday Card
Magic? No, we'll rock with 7.62 NATO!
Those who know, remember the pain
I didn't even know number four existed until I decided to make this
Superman is a badass!
Mumen rider c class hero... s class heart!
Brendan Fraser and sons...or, secret king of a vampire dynasty moonlighting as an actor?
Some of you just went to college to appease your parents, and it shows.
almost sold out
Q: What was Julius Caesar's least favorite movie?
Not like but this is too funny to not share
She just wanted to shut him up
someone needs to revisit cursive letters
The strip mall finally adds a store I’ll go to.
When the girl you like is Goth, but you are history nerd
poor shota
Don’t support the taliban
Why does it do that?
Toilet humor.
she got me good tho
I see this argument all the time
How to fit 17 1x1 squares in a 4.675x4.675 square.
Managing to gaslight an entire nation is really something
As monstrously vast and impressive as it was how Genghis Khan conquered so much of the known world, can't we just take the time to appreciate everything else about the Mongolian people?
MSDOS, reposter of memes
Billionaires on their way to a climate change conference