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If I post a repost it's only because I saw it and found it funny and decided to post it here so I apologize if I submit reposts, give me link and I will delete it right away :)

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My friends and I trying to decide where to eat.
Bad signal?
This always pisses me off in action movies.
Oh women....
To The Limit!
BACK OFF! he's mine!
Why i'll go out with my ex
Just to make sure
We've accepted our impending doom
U r doing it wrong daddy
Dog used Extremespeed...twice.
Irish wedding reception
Candy cigarretes
Pooping level - newspaper fail
True and false in the saame time
When Hangover meets LOTR
Meanwhile in Florida
Explosives make everyone a terrorist
I'm probably not the only one
We've got a badass over here
Stealth mode activated!
Guess Who?
You promised
Greatest cab driver alive
How Real Men Hide Their Porn [SFW]
I wish I had the same god
Finding Nemo: A real thriller
When somebody i don't like wants to touch me
Now this is how you use a rope swing
I can haz scratch?
"Don't talk to those white ones son"
Oops i think they painted the rock again.
I've never even thought about it like this...poor kid.
Laughted way too much at this, I'm going to hell..
When I throw something at the garbage and it actually goes in
The f*cking Candles
It's too soon!
Rude girl
My thoughts exactly
MacGyver has a trick for everything
Smile, LICK, RUN
Deal wi- FAIL
When The Boss Walks In The Room
Guess they decided to leave him there
When they've pushed you too far...
My friend sent this to me yesterday
Everything is very.. magical
How internet arguments work
I got my eye on you!
Bare hug
Whats your excuse?
HOLY sh*t, WAILMER is f*cking EVOLVING!
Anti Zombie Grave
When friend brings up ex girlfriends in front of new girlfriend
Remembering a HUGELOLpost in class
Animals have amazing instincts
This made me lol
His face
I laughed for way too long at this
First memory
Corgis do love water.
Highway sign during windstorm
Looking through fb profile pics nowadays
Poor Sonic...
Thug Fails at Stealing Beer
Two girls - sex?
Oh Joey...
Assassin's Creed in kinect: Not a good idea
Not what you think...
Sh*t just got real
Don't know which one is the badass
Call of Duty logic
Thank you Jesus
Some place to hide something.
Still a better love story than Twilight...
A New Drinking Game
F*ckin' Mimes
But when i do...
Do not f*cking touch it!
Trolling at its finest
Lonely dog is lonely.
How I would do it
The longer you stare, the funnier it gets
USA vs Mexico
Easy, hard, impossible
DAFUQ did i just watch.
I fuc*ing love Jackass
Uncle Jenn
"Yeah, that's the spot"
Make sure there is no eye witness when you murder!
I applaud you, mysterious chalk artist
What are you looking at? The Teddy? NO! its mine!
Every time I open a pack of gum in class.
Seems Legit