I doubt many people would have cared if the Dreyfus affair happened in Russia rather than France

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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Happy upside-down Mussolini Day!
Bitte don't slap me, Herr Smithler
In 1912 the earth was running dramaticly low on Lava. People had to step in and literally save our Planet. Those are the unknown heroes
Me Wenneie
feels like it was just yesterday
They were not the baddies
Omg this is so relatable
The Moment Before Archimedes' Final Eureka Moment, Syracuse, 212 BC
We forgot that time when Lithuanians stole a Russian camel during the freedom wars.
American soldier fights the furry invasion from Germany,1914.
You're SugaMomma69?!
Never forget the day the Demon Dimensional Hole opened up in Detroit. June 15th, 1985
>give tip
I saw this in the mens room in my building at my university
Australopithecus lookin ass
This cat turns 23 this year. He can sit wherever he wants, and say whatever he wants.
I hate all of you people equally
This is how my sister's cat woke up, after he had to have surgery
Enjoy this meme that I sent to my AP World history teacher
Mao Zedong, realising that sparrows eat locusts
For sure the winner.
Love from Kazakhstan
Mark Zuckerberg hits puberty and has his first shed
Sometimes you gotta recruit the worst man for the job.
Enlightened person
Donald Trump threatens to shut down the government
Sign at our local vet
Shoutout to Mau, RIP the GOAT
Bro I MUST go to New York once
Turns out Hannibal wasn't only a genius on land
Us adaptation
Vive L'Empereur!
That shit ain’t easy
Literally everyone in French Monarchy
Stage III lung cancer patient's reaction after receiving the good news that he's in remission, May 3, 2009
The flag was a response to brutal slave raiding from the Moors- and should not be compared to actual racist flags like the Confederate flag
I love both authors’ work, but they definitely approached things differently.
Fox News interns...Circa 2018
Megumin's imagination is very cool
omg what do i do
What’s this tree doing?
my grandparents have been refilling the same soap container since before i was born. im 24
If you want a good laugh, go look up "To Anacreon in Heaven"
Captain's use only
Two battle-hardened warriors find themselves in one of the most unlikely crossovers of their time
Polish-Soviet war was pretty wild
Original name right there
404 no chill found
And then someone gets bored and just destroys the town
Now That's an Armor
Rare MAPPA L moment
The Fall of the Soviet Union
They were not expecting that
The man does not seem real
Did anyone else had these feelings?
Owning a cat
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 966 ✓
New gym playlist just dropped
Back in the day having a lawn must have been such a flex
Crusades be like...
Putin elongates his life span by absorbing a child’s life force
I think there is a clear answer here
The last giant being paraded through the streets
As long as they hate commies
Our battle will be legendary!
Plot thickness
The most evil thing to do
Characters that Fail Upwards Top tier fr
Just finished the new pool deck
My wife is a nurse and this is her lunch box.
I kind of want one.
Legalize nuclear bombs
Why does one eye closed make the other handle light better?!
Luckily it was the Cleveland Press, so nobody actually read it.
Re: Ballin’ In Another World
Protect the eyes
family is everthing
My sheepdog isn't so sure about the sheep in the house
it's me, hi
Remember the USS Liberty.
They’re probably talking shit
Last Wishes
what else could stop these two?
How to get away with atrocities
So much for AI
I'm going to create an experiment that is so unethical
Ancient civilizations had very specific hang ups
Joan of arc