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Besides the fact that this toy is weird, the comments are even worse
You know this feel
That would mean a lot of swords for sure...
Like I give a f*ck
I dont know who you are , but i will find you and resolv you
Dat's racist
Satan is such a good guy
Nice shot, Eddie. Keep it up
They get so offended if you lick them back
We have to go back!
He loves water
Badass Squirtle
What?s wrong with the world?
Story of my life..
Dude your sick
Whats diz?
Wait until the end
You'll be arreted
Three dimensional video
If Jupiter was the moon.
When i cant do my physics homework!
Pretty much everytime.
You get em spidey
Jazz hands
Just a nice gif
Zack is not a racist!
Lessons in life
Why I Hate Myself
Yes they do
Perfect timing.
Thats why i love hunter
Derping to abbey road
Fabulous deatheaters
Dick in a box - you're doing it wrong!
Why, technology?
I dare you
Using boobs to advertise HUGELOL 2.0, done right.
It "shore" is nice to see you
Some people just have too much free time
Wasn't expecting that!
Myth confirmed... to be fabulous
You're not welcome down here!
Hen + Tie = Hentai
Surprise Motherf****r
Well. If he says so...
The reason why birds do have feathers
Homer and money
Your move, Mr. Bond...
Working at EA.
Amazing, wasn't it?
A solution for global warming
Cats do not understand science
Wave rider
Upon smelling food
Diet Coke
The poor guy.
Sex offender
How I feel when I go full retard
I'm hella jacked
Gta logic
I'm just as shocked as you are
Whenever I read the instructions.
German precision work
Poor penguin.
Oh awesome
Those that know , KNOW what i mean
How I feel on weekends with no homework
Well, that's a skill, too...
Go home CAPTCHA! you're drunk :)
Hipster pedobear
See you soon, guys!
The Milkshakes!!!
Inertia Friction Welding
Notice how she doesn't actually spill the drink
Peeing on an electric fence is not quite the smartest move
Ain't no one stops the giant snowball of perdition
HA! Gaaaaaaaaaay
"Hight five"...Fiiiine
This is the biggest conspiracy since JFK.
F*ck off
There could be no friendship on this track!
Nope,Chuck Testa!
Such a trooper.
Would be a good prank
Gettin laid
Say Cheeeese
Well ok then
Spring is not coming
Thats the difference..
O boy..
Gotta love Deadpool
Weightlifting goes wrong