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Twitter : @syncro***
PSN : Sync_eX
17 year old.
Passionate about Debating, Singing, watching movies and T.V. Series.
And Gamer

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Doesn't take a genius!
To all the clown faced girls out there
When you see free WI-FI
Tennessee's pride, Jack Daniels whiskey
Tumblr and trees
I don't know how to add text
I knew cows are jerk
Awesome scare
That?s how I make most of my decisions?
You did what?!
Alien Surprise Attack.
Nope. he is the chicken we all wanna kill.
Please the magic word
Do you remember these guys?
Awww the cutenesssss
Break out!
Toddler just drunk college kids
Praise the lord!!!!
Your big injection of nope for today
And that's the difference between males and Justin Bieber.
Good one
Getting real tired of your sh*t
Told ya
Acid kitty
GTA Logic
You can see two students having sex on the Marauder's Map in Harry Potter
When actors try to leave disney
Denied, b*tch
Every f'c'k'ing time.
My life is complete
Take away the gun and hes just being nice (2)
Just Pure Talent!
Wait for it !
When your girlfriend asks for sex...
And that's exactly why I don't go on facebook anymore...
How can he drink his beer? He needs to keep his helmet on
This is it!
This is why turtles are so important
Why god, why?
The truth has been said.
I Lol So Hard
Sneaky Disney
Whenever somebody stares at me while i'm on the computer
Damn old people
This cat is just weird
Best pickup line
Perfect timing
Game names at their best
Every time when I want to download something.
When a men steps on lego, and tries to keep his manlyness
Wait... What!?..
Happy birthday!
I don't know how to respond to that
God help us
Every time I see a yahoo question
When it's friday
B*tch you gonna DIE!
I am a...
North korea now
Like I give a sh*t
Frank, you so funny
Some girl need hi5.... on her face.... with a
We might have to amputate his funny bone
Spongebob about Patrick on the internet
Css, web design will agreed !
Admit it
Not suspicious at all.
Ah Hitler
Dobby :(
Can someone explain me this
This kid knows what it wants
Trolling before it was cool.
Dolan stahp
Great idea
Thank god, now we're safe
F*ck you Media
Gomez makin disney proud
I'd give her some cheese!
OH f*ck! Oh wait nevermind... novice difficulty exists
Russia vs america
Drummer Cat
What is in this?
Real bad-ass!
He is amazing...
You can taste salt if you pretend to shake it into your mouth
Oh look! Tumblr is useful for something afterall!
:D D: ...Yeahh
Dogs are awesome
Clydesdale shows off his trick
This Is Just Depressing
What I thought when I heard about the plans by North Korea to launch missiles at the US
I think about it to !!! A lot!!!