3Nex · 2 points ·
I do not understand this joke.

3Nex · OP · 1 points ·
Yes, but the points was that not having children "kind of" removes them from the gene pool because they're ensuring they're the last one in their family branch or whatever.

The Darwin award awards people for ending their gene, but my proposition is that their rule of necessarily having to end their own life is too strict, because simply not having children has the same effect. Even more so, because killing oneself and leaving offspring behind doesn't end your gene thread/branch (whatever that's called).

3Nex · OP · 1 points ·
killing yourself in a dumb way and thus removing yourself from the gene pool?

3Nex · OP · 0 points ·
I think you're questioning the actual Darwin award, that's not the issue here.

3Nex · 1 points · *
Jel ovo Kico Slabinac?

3Nex · OP · 4 points ·
For whom it may concern, the question and the answer can be found here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130302142203AAa4tNT

3Nex · 1 points ·
I don't get it... shouldn't he get hit for his name to get crossed? He doesn't look like he got hit at all, and the "woosh" effect is the same as on the previous frame.... What's the joke?

3Nex · 0 points ·
Well part of the assignment says to imagine your sitting on it, while he imagined he fell through it.

3Nex · 2 points ·
You can't prove a legal document is "scientifically" impossible. If you sign it, it exists and isn't impossible. I don't think Nigerian scientists know the definition of marriage.

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