9835278941 · 1 points ·
Bro, I had no idea there were like-minded individuals in this town that defended social minorities. We should all hang out!

9835278941 · 1 points ·
Some of these posts end up with those ***ing stupid pun threads. This one butternut.

9835278941 · 1 points ·
90% due to genetics, 10% due to sunscreen

9835278941 · 1 points ·
That would be a Centarse.

9835278941 · 1 points ·
"Attempted to touch." Did he miss?

9835278941 · 1 points ·
I'm so glad they don't use realistic inventory.

9835278941 · 1 points ·
Cats and rabbits are actually mortal enemies. It stems from their ancestral history where pre historic felines would hunt packs of wild rabbits, which actually were much larger and aggressive than today's species. Paleontologists actually found packs of ancient rabbits encased in fossils in Antioch England that suggest they grew as large as 300 pounds, and had razor sharp teeth. The males would guard the caves where the pack lived, which is the inspiration for the Monty Python scene.

9835278941 · 1 points ·
Are you sure you didn't trace it?

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