Rule #74: If it exists there is a Neco-arc cover of it gigalol:71819209
67,885 Wise

Joined 7 years ago (2018-01-03 05:45:55).
Has 67,885 Karma.
Created 2,109 posts.
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Achievements Info

6-Year Club 17.11.2024

Wise 01.11.2024

5-Year Club 25.02.2023

Hardcore Poster 27.01.2023

4-Year Club 03.01.2022

3-Year Club 02.01.2021

Pepe Collector x3 23.09.2022

Experienced 19.08.2022

Poster of the Day x3 21.07.2022

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Commenter 10.07.2022

Commenter of the Day x2 16.06.2022

Poster 06.05.2022

2-Year Club 03.01.2020

Bronze Club 08.04.2022

Casual Commenter 05.04.2022

Casual Poster 17.03.2022

Lurker 25.02.2022

1-Year Club 03.01.2019

Verified 16.01.2018