abshar · 1 points ·
Looks more like a really stylised, geometric graphics style. Like super hot or cluster truck.

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abshar · 1 points ·
I do have friends like that, although none of them look like whatever the *** that thing is

abshar · 1 points ·
Goddamn it, now I feel guilty about the cheeseburger I'm eating.

abshar · 1 points ·
I hope he was being clever and not senile

abshar · 1 points ·
I don't even do that shit anymore. She just goes with her girlfriends, and i make sure to have something 'nice' waiting for her when she gets back. I'll clean, or I'll cook, or I'll have her favorite beer waiting.

something that makes her subconscious go "doing this shit without my man leads to me being happy."

I just can't do the shopping trip shit anymore. If we're doing it for our kid, cool. But if it's just for her? *** that noise. I don't want to, but I still want her to feel valued and loved.

That separate time is invaluable to me. I just make sure there's something nice waiting for her. she does the same for me. if I go out to the bar with the homeboys, she makes sure there's something fun waiting for me when I return.

It's a neat system. It takes effort...because sometimes you just don't feel like doing something extra, but it's worth it. haha but I"ve been drinking, busy talking about my own shit when I should be talking about your shit.

I feel you on the seat thing. I've always wondered why more dudes don't strike up convo while we're sitting and waiting. We all know what the others are doing, but we just kind of stay in our separate little bubbles.

abshar · 1 points ·
"Not sleeping, just resting my eyezZzZzZzZzZ...."

abshar · 2 points ·
Why in emergencies do they evacuate the women and children first?

So the men can try to come up with a solution in peace and quiet.

abshar · 1 points ·
Sales have exploded... Samsung Note 8 reported to have 3 headphone jacks.

abshar · 5 points ·
Oh wow, so Pepe goes to jail because of his looks, yet Clinton walks free?



