Alabasta · Pepe Collector · 1 points ·
Depending on where exactly you are it's an understandable reaction..

Alabasta · Pepe Collector · 2 points · *
Not my argument. Special cases are special cases. I'm excluding stuff like rape, incest or knowing there will be disabilities since these are good enough reasons but being dumb enough to get pregnant out of sheer ignorance is not a reason to not take responsibility.

Giving people an easy way out of reproduction and responsibilities is asking for chaos.

Alabasta · Pepe Collector · 5 points ·
There seems to be at least one Romanian here

Alabasta · Pepe Collector · 13 points ·
At this point I just want this to be a slice of life anime already

Alabasta · Pepe Collector · 2 points · *
And we can totally explain what consciousness means.. You know I think it's sad to allow a mother to kill her child just because she doesn't want to take care of it and parents not feeling responsible. You can't fücking tell me there aren't enough ways to prevent pregnancy in the first place. I'm not talking about special cases like rape or incest pregnancy but to stupid to realize sex makes babies pregnancy .

My biggest gripe however is as a person who definitely wants to become a father that in case of an abortion of my potential child it could happen that im not asked at all and I don't even want to imagine that kind of pain.. To me that's like kicking a happily pregnant woman in the stomach. She would not be in control as her legitimate offspring is lost forever..

It's actually sickening to me that people would just be OK with this like back when it was medical consensus that babies don't feel pain. Just giving irresponsible people an easy way out of everything is not the way to go in my opinion.

Alabasta · Pepe Collector · 0 points ·
What claim? It's not me saying this if you think that.

How do these numbers happen if it's what they promised it is? Why do you think there are booster shots and when do you think the last one is going to be?

Looking at how many first and second shot people get sick and die (look at Israel for example) there is not really a big difference anymore so it looks to me at least as if recovered people are the ones who are best of so in my case I don't have much to fear personally from the virus but I'm still getting bullied to take it while some fat fücks can get the shot for all I care.

Alabasta · Pepe Collector · 2 points ·
So not getting that one is what makes you anti-vax.. And of course if she took it she'd still be alive I'm sure that 37% protection would have saved her ass..

Alabasta · Pepe Collector · 4 points ·
Eugenics is not extreme?

Alabasta · Pepe Collector · OP · 2 points ·

Alabasta · Pepe Collector · 1 points ·
No that's early Jojo character design
