Aldebaran · 2 points ·
Unarmored Movement Improvement

At 9th level, you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on your turn without falling during your move.

Aldebaran · 2 points ·
Great stuff

Aldebaran · 1 points ·
I don't know man, in my opinion all religious discussions are basically rants on the level of who would win Superman or the Hulk but fine: God is all powerful therefore he has to be able to be a woman, if he couldn't be a woman there would be something God couldn't do

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Aldebaran · 5 points ·
Best waifu

Aldebaran · OP · 6 points ·
I thought about something like that as well but I think the rules say you have to drink the whole potion for the effect otherwise it just doesn't do anything. Lore wise because it's magical and gameplay wise because you can't be half invisible or half flying. At least in Pathfinder that's how it works.

Aldebaran · 8 points ·
This picture makes me so angry! Who the hell sill has absorb on kabutops at lv41!

Aldebaran · 1 points ·
Ya, OK, I overacted a bit. I'm sorry!

Aldebaran · 1 points ·
No you're not. I hate these type of problems because they are illusions not test problems for math class. They ruin your perception of a thing by using a detail, in this case the fact that it's a math problem, so you do the math and don't give a second thought to the text. Like a magic trick they are fun to impress your friends with but not for school tests to make children feel stupid because they got tricked by a thing designed to trick you. The only stupid thing here is that the teacher didn't know about it.

Aldebaran · OP · 1 points ·
!gamble all
