AliceD · 1 points ·
Well, I feel sorry for you that you are not interested in having interesting discussions or opening your mind to think about things that are relevant to creating a better society. goodbye.

AliceD · 1 points ·
I'll just leave this here for you to read (the right page)

AliceD · 1 points · *
I don't think so. I'm (we're, for that matter) talking about different anthropological cultures, the media, the influence they have on each other and how they both influence how people in those cultures look at thing like sexuality. I'm trying to make people see that they shouldn't mindlessly repeat what they see on tv, but open their eyes to other things around them and think about those things critically while taking in mind the different backgrounds of people. I don't think that's inane at all.

AliceD · 3 points ·
yeah, it's not like the media is controlled by big corporations who are only interested in making as much money as they can for selfish reasons while not caring who they *** over in the process, so they can broadcast inane shit people can fight about so they don't have time to think about important things anymore or notice what is going on. Simple distract, divide and conquer tactics. And it's always the same inane bullshit you see too, so that is indeed not literally telling people what to think, it's just indoctrination 101. Repeat something enough times, neural pathways in your brain get used more and more until you automatically and almost only can think in that way. I mean, do you really think people would give one flying *** about stupid celebrities if they weren't constantly showed and idolized on tv? To just name 1 example. Maybe if the media would encourage HOW to think instead of saying what to think (about) the same things presented in different forms, I can start to consider to take it seriously.

AliceD · 1 points ·
parks and recreation! :D

AliceD · 0 points · *
so beautiful that you prove the point you're trying to make fun of. It IS the media's fault you want to f*ck tits and cum on a woman face. I can assure you that someone who has never seen pornography does not have the desire to cum on someone face. Men in cultures where there is no pornography (I know there are not many, but you know, tribes in Africa and that sort of living arrangements) don't see breasts as highly sexual objects, that's why they don't cover them up over there. Yes, they are signs or fertility, but they are definitely hypersexualized and fetishized by the media/pornography to extremes in our culture. That's why they are taboo to show in public, which makes it even more desirable and so the endless cycle is born. I can assure you that if you would see boobs on a real life woman on a frequent basis, the wow-factor would be gone pretty quickly.
(I know I will get downvoted because I'm telling the truth here, but I just hope I will be able to plant a little seed of common sense and knowlegde in someone.)

AliceD · 1 points ·
I wonder why everyone thinks feminism is ridiculous...oh, right, it's because there are still women who let themselves be completely degraded on stage.

AliceD · 2 points ·
the video doesnt work

AliceD · 2 points ·
season 3 episode 22

AliceD · 1 points ·
well thank you kind internet stranger, I wish you the best and maybe our paths will cross again :)
