"People who were unvaccinated had a three-fold higher prevalence than those who had received both doses of a vaccine"
That was the quote you posted, Maybe my eyesight is bad. Can you help me find the 67% you mentioned? Or did you just make that number up?
You did say that vaccines injected a part of the virus wich was wrong, Since, not all of them, do that. You do understand that right? PFizer does not contain a live virus. That's what I addressed nothing else.
"If you think your body is gonna take better the virus itself rather than a weakened form of it"
I have not claimed that?
You did however fail to realize that Side Effects doesn't primarily get caused by the virus/mRNA strand getting injected.
But, I'm glad I've educated you.
"1) The sources you provided for anaphylaxis and death related to the vaccine do not mention the age at any point, so adding them together with the risks specific to the 18-29 age class is doing math like a retard."
Again, You're still reminding me you're not a medical expert.
Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It has no age. It's genetic. It's like being allergic to peanut butter. The risk is evenly distributed among the population. They don't mention age since it has no signifcance. The risk is the same. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/anaphylaxis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351468
Before we continue, I've seen you try arguing how deadly some of the side effects are, Again, My point has never ever been about how deadly the Severe Side Effects are. My point has always been that you are more likely to suffer from a Severe Side Effect (that requires immediate medical attention) than dying from Corona at a healthy young age, And, That is true. Take a look at my first comments. You seemed to have forgotten what I argued for.
2) The potential risks of the vaccines you posted for 18-29 ARE NOT DEADLY - they are treated efficiently by modern medicine and the patient usually recovers within days.
I find it funny that you say the Severe Side Effects are not deadly but later continues with the low mortality rate for the age group 18-29.
It's one of the biggest fallacies you are making whilst arguing.
You need to understand that people have died from the vaccines at a young age. Yes the risk is extremely low, But, Again, My point has not been about how likely you are going to die from the vaccine versus covid.
These are the risks of dying of Covid at a young age.
Medical Experts (UK)
0.004 - 0.01%
Suffering from a Severe Side Effect
0.00578%+ (Confirmed)
0.01433%+ (Unconfirmed)
So to put things in perspective:
Suffering from a Severe Side Effect from the vaccine:
5.7-14.3 per 100.000
Dying From Covid
4.7 per 100.000
And, Yes it's important to establish the risks of dying or suffering from a Severe Side Effect is low. But, When you put into perspective that suffering from a Severe Side Effect is greater than actually dying from Covid at that age and health you start to realize that you will not die from Covid.
2500 people at that age in a country like the US of more than 53MILLION people in that age group does put perspective into things. Also, Keep in mind, not all of the 2500 people, were healthy. So dying from Covid? Yeah, Nah.
Stop pressuring and putting fear into people and next time read into the things you are going to argue for just one extra time. It will make you look like a less retard.
You are failing to provide a lot of sources to backup many of your claims. I looked into the source I asked for you to provide before, I couldn't find the 67% you referenced before. If you want to retract your claim, please tell.
I will no longer respond to any claims without any sources backing it up. You can edit your previous messages and add sources, And, I will gladly address all of them. Do notify me, though.
However, there were two very retarded parts from your comments, Which I shall address.
[1st Comment]
//"Just in case you understand how vaccines work - they are injecting into you a weakened form of the virus so that your metabolism can develop the antibodies, so it's literally impossible that the vaccines makes you more likely to die than if you had taken Covid naturally."//
Again, You are reminding me that you're clearly not a medical expert.
First of all, Not all vaccines are injecting a weakened form of the virus.
Example one of the vaccines wich is considered the safest PFizer
contains mRNA instructions for our cells to make parts of the spike proteins from Covid. That will later trigger an immune response which produces antibodies.
Second Comment [The one I'm responding to]
//"So stop being a baby, there's no way you will die from a vaccine if you're young. People who would die are people who would die of Covid as well."//
Second, You don't seem to grasp the concept of vaccines. The majority of the severe side effects are not triggered because of the Covid "parts" that are being produced or injected. You need to understand that there's contents in the vaccine that are for example needed to preserve the mRNA strands or the weakened form of Covid. The contents in the vaccine is the cause for most of the severe side effects. https://www.hackensackmeridianhealth.org/HealthU/2021/01/11/a-simple-breakdown-of-the-ingredients-in-the-covid-vaccines/
But let's take a look at the Severe Side effects from the safest vaccine PFizer:
0.00111% (Severe olyethylene glycol reaction aka anaphylaxi)
"The rate of anaphylaxis seen so far — 11.1 cases per 1 million vaccine doses — is higher than for the flu vaccine, which is 1.3 cases per 1 million doses"[1]
Inflammation in heart, Reduces hearts ability to pump, Abnormal rhythms. Severe myocarditis can lead to clots forming in your heart, stroke or heart attack.
Myocarditis/pericarditis (report for ages 12-39) P.10 [3]
(Females have a lower risk, I'm showing the males risks)
They consider something confirmed when it's reported with a max of 21 days after vaccination.
0.0019% among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine died shortly after. [2]
There's also severe side effects such as
Appendicitis, Angioedema and just a form of hypersensitivity reaction to a drug. I couldn't however find any statistics on these 3.
2519/53 300 000
= 4.72e-5
= 0.00004726078
= 0.0047260788 % (Percentage)
RISK ASSESMENT FROM EXPERTS IN UK https://alama.org.uk/covid-19-medical-risk-assessment/
0.004 - 0.01%
So in perspective, If you're healthy 20ish old male you are actually more likely to suffer from a severe side effect from the vaccine than dying from Covid.
You were 30 something? If you want you can go to the UK website and assess your own risk based on weight, underlying diseases and more.
Before you do anything, Provide a source regarding this "... the vaccine makes it 67% more unlikely that you get infected in the first place"
No one knows how likely it is that you get infected from Covid after getting vaccinated, especially Delta, Because the vaccines help hide the symptoms and that leads to a lot of people being asymptomatic, Not knowing you have Covid leads to it not being reported. There's a very big hidden number.
"It’s also possible that some fully vaccinated people might have infections, but not have symptoms (asymptomatic infections). Experts continue to study how common these cases are."
They are still trying to study how common it is, It's extremely difficult to grasp how frequently it occurs, again, due to people being asymptomatic.
Also, The biggest problem with people being asymptomatic after being vaccinated is that they will spread it just as much but now without knowing it. If they knew they had Covid they would self-isolate. That's a big dilemma.
This is also a very important thing you need to understand,
I've never told anyone to not take the vaccine. If you're in a risk group it could be wise to take it. It's all about risk assesment.
I think we all know the vaccines help stop severe symptoms. That's what they're for, They don't however stop you from contracting or spreading Covid which was told in the beginning.
Two of my friends and I have gotten Covid. I got a minor cold which lasted a week. One of my friends had no symptoms at all but was tested positive for Covid when he was going to Norway to see his relatives. The second friend had the same as me, but it lasted barely a week for him.
If you are a healthy young individual the risk of dying from covid is almost as low as **dying from the flu**. You're actually more likely to suffer from a severe side effect from the vaccine than dying from covid healthy and young.
(If you want I'll gladly provide you with the sources for that)
"go get your shots, for your own health as well as for everyone else's"
You're not a medical expert.
Neither am I, But for god sake don't tell anyone if they should take it or not. Let people assess the risks for themselves, That's why the vaccines are voluntarily and they shall certainly stay so.
"Boyle said the new standards for graduation would aid Oregon's Black, Latino, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islanders, Tribal and students of color."
lmao the dominant variant of covid Delta makes you carry the same viral load as unvaxxed, That's why the CDC now want every vaxxed to wear masks in the US.
"A new study shows the Delta Covid-19 variant produced similar amounts of virus in vaccinated and unvaccinated people if they get infected -- illustrating a key motivation behind the federal guidance that now recommends most fully vaccinated Americans wear masks indoors.
[...] this data suggests they could have a similar tendency to spread it as unvaccinated folks."
Imagine complaining about unvaxxed spreading covid
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