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* 1) They will leave you and your friends completely stranded in the Mojave desert in August.

* 2) They left me and my friends completely stranded in the Mojave desert in August.
* 3) They charged me money to leave me and my friends completely stranded in the Mojave desert in August.
* 4) *** them for leaving me and my friends completely stranded in the Mojave desert in August.
* 5) See number 4.

I, for one, welcome our new fashion-conscious overlords.

damn girl, dat some fine ass threads u got there. Where can a demon skeleton like me find some of dat fine fabric to drape ova my sexy bones.

Nowadays it's all about looking like you have money. The only people that know you don't have money is your mom and the home girl that doesn't care about the money.


They missed the most important tip. Carry a tennis racket.

my girlfriend's girlfriend = my pussy's pussy?

*i'll let myself out*

I am new here!

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