AnotherMexican · 1 points ·
He did get a shitload of favorites and retweets

AnotherMexican · 21 points ·
The title made it to the Front Page

AnotherMexican · 1 points ·

AnotherMexican · 1 points ·
if it has to do with ukranius, yes

AnotherMexican · OP · 1 points ·
I'm pretty sure you have a low IQ.

AnotherMexican · OP · 22 points ·

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AnotherMexican · 1 points ·
More like shaving with herpes.

AnotherMexican · 2 points ·
I think he is a bison.

AnotherMexican · 0 points ·
Has science gone too far?
