Avannar · 3 points ·
As a robotics fan, I've gotta say neither were killed by robots, strictly speaking. They were killed by programming mistakes. And if you boil down the definition of a "robot" to a processor and at least one actuator or other physically mobile mechanism there were many, many deaths by robot prior. Because then missiles with GPS and trajectory control are robots.

Avannar · 0 points ·
Doesn't work well for me. You end up with horrible glare off the vehicles in front of you. Getting stuck behind a big stupid truck or SUV is suffering. And sometimes it makes your mirror unusable.
Solution: Work nights or hours that don't require driving near dawn and dusk.

Avannar · 6 points ·
This the the crucial flaw in demanding a link. NOBODY bookmarks, labels, and catalogue all of HL for the case of proving to a reposter that they're reposting. No need to get indignant. You didn't make this. You found this somewhere else. It's not hard to imagine many people found it before you did.

Avannar · 0 points ·
Agreed. Most people I know in the US agree as well. The problem is the Jewish lobby is rich and very influential in the US so it's political suicide not to support them. As a result the government is very pro-Israel, even sacrificing taxpayer money in large sums to supporting it, while much of the population, especially the non-Christian segment, is pro-Palestine and anti-Israel.

Avannar · 0 points ·
I read the comments. I've seen plenty of live octopi and squid served up, though. Saw it all the time in SE Asia. Just saying.

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Avannar · 0 points ·
No. You're not. You're Mexican, Guatemalan, Puerto Rican, etc. I'm Hispanic. I know the ***in rules. Every latin american is their own special little kind until they need to measure up against whites then suddenly it's "woo latin pride!" So don't pretend you're unified and resentful of the term "America" being applied to people from the United States of AMERICA.

People who say Americans are ignorant are showing themselves to be ignorant. That's as pathetically stupid as calling all asians stupid or all Germans stuck-up ***s or all Irish wife-beating drunks that can't work or tan.

America has good reason to be self centered, though. It literally owns the world. Your light bulbs? Your electricity? Your computer? Your operating system? The internet? Hugelol itself? The telephone in the comic above? You're bitter if you can't admit America is the single most significant nation on the planet for the past several decades.

It had one recession and destroyed the Euro and might get the EU disbanded AND slowed China's annual growth by 90%. It's got a military that could take on the entire planet single handedly with a fleet of unmanned drones and half the world's Aircraft Carriers. Everyone watches US TV and movies and listens to US music.

That's where all the Anti-American sentiment on HL comes from. Petulant children acting out against Daddy.

Avannar · 1 points ·
This is actually pretty disgusting on ethical grounds. Cephalopods are some of the smartest animals. They're parrot or dolphin tier intelligences. Eating one alive is less humane than almost any other widely practiced carnivorism. Coming from a non-vegan.

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