badapple13 · 3 points ·

badapple13 · 3 points ·

badapple13 · 2 points ·
idk if I'm being captain obvious here, but doesn't it seem like he was trying to say "more Magnus" and the interviewer just misheard him? Because that would make his answer 10x better

badapple13 · OP · 2 points ·
I know :P The next line was "That's the way it should be" or something like that.

badapple13 · OP · 3 points ·
Fate / Stay Night and Gokukoku no Brynhildr

badapple13 · 4 points ·
She was talking to Mars about Moon. It was in the last season that was aired in very few countries outside of Japan. That could explain why you don't remember it.

badapple13 · 0 points ·
I thought it was an amazing lung until I saw her back foot

badapple13 · 60 points ·
But his "girlfriend" did actually take the picture
