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bananas21 · 2 points ·
Crib death. That's why!

bananas21 · 1 points ·
Why is it funny though? Username, title... Whatever. Do you have to know the comercial to get the joke? Well sorry, not all comercials run in every country.
If only that title-username-thing is the thing you'er all laughing about I'm out.

bananas21 · 0 points ·
People don't not believe the global warming theories because we still have winters but because they are based on measurements noted by men. But mankind hasn't been noting the temperature since its existence. Only since they were able to even measure the temperature and then also wanting to writing them down. So the theories are based on Information from very little time of planet earth which makes them not representative.

bananas21 · 1 points ·
Who needs a mix for the easiest recipe ever? 'Mericans.

bananas21 · 3 points ·
Thanks for the info, but what is funny about this?

bananas21 · 1 points ·
hanibal owl?

bananas21 · 0 points ·
I read the title and hear "so tell me what you want, what you really, really want..."

bananas21 · 1 points ·
The Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow lives in the forest.
