bani · 6-Year Club · 2 points ·
why no hugelol clan?

bani · 6-Year Club · 3 points ·
Why are so many hugelolers playing OSRS

bani · 6-Year Club · OP · 1 points · *
Well 8 hrs could be a bit too much, but 5-6 hrs is definetly too low. 5 hrs will make you get brain fog in a weeks time for sure

bani · 6-Year Club · 4 points · *
The culture war was never meant to be won or lost. The culture war is meant to be never ending. Your civil war and glorious revolution will never come. The war of two imaginary polar opposites will be fought until Earth itself decays back into the universal primordial waters.

bani · 6-Year Club · 5 points ·

bani · 6-Year Club · 2 points ·
ahh we meet agaim

bani · 6-Year Club · 3 points ·
nice 57s you got there, mind if i zoink one?

bani · 6-Year Club · OP · 2 points ·
yea clans

bani · 6-Year Club · OP · 3 points ·
nice, u in any ccs?

bani · 6-Year Club · OP · 2 points ·
come home hwite man
