I've told you, BlackSpirit ! I told you that oldfags weren't returning for sh*t ! But you called me a killjoy *** and went on with your hypetrain, sh*tposting about how oldfags were returning and that they would save Hugelol from the sh*tposts with their holy OC.
Wiings, Eevee and whoever the f*ck else have never really left, they just "come back" every twice a year, and create a commotion every single time they show back some sign of life, just the way they like it. They post for a while, and then lurk back into the shadows for the next six months to come. They've been doing it for practically two years now, and it never fails to make a fuss each time they "return".
The "anti-bot" circlejerk was fun for a week or two, and the oldfags went back to lurking the second it stopped being interesting. And there you are asking "where are all the miracles our sweet holy oldfags have promised to accomplish" at. Congratulations, nigga. You played yourself, persuaded and making half the community thinking so that they would save our sorry-asses from bots and sh*tposts, while it was foreseeable from miles away that the trend would fade out and we'd be back to square one by the next month.
Yes, so what ? It still stands that you people were still getting on fire at a moment because only 1 oldfag so far was back to business.
But yeah, your prophecy is accomplished and my point is now irrelevant, hurray ! Do you want me to edit the whole comment or to delete it ?
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