Bauli · 1 points ·
Difficult to answer about tikka masala with only few lines of text: if the object of desire goes against the five silas, then it is bad desire. If it makes you into a better and long-term happier self, then it is good desire. Listen into you and you will find out yourself.

Bauli · 2 points ·
There are good (kusala) and bad (akusala) desires. The desire to be free of desires is a good desire and one does not need to worry about it.

Bauli · 2 points ·
Me and my Zen frens are clearly the right side but unfortunately we need to share the Zendo with some on the left. I am getting better and better at tolerating hippies.

Bauli · 2 points ·

Bauli · 2 points ·
Thanks man, these are encouraging words.

Bauli · 2 points ·
That is a good idea, I am taking art lessons. Maybe it will work out there.

Bauli · 2 points ·
Thank you! I thought you would like it.

Bauli · 6 points ·
Me too...

Bauli · 2 points ·
Thank you for the advice. I will start to try to work on step one.

Bauli · 1 points ·
You are welcome.
