Big_Al · 13 points ·
Why does the black guy look like a cardboard cutout?

Big_Al · 1 points ·
how the hell does a repost of my stuff get more likes than me

Big_Al · 5 points ·
I guess you can say ( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐□-□ (⌐□_□) it was a business trip. Yeeeeeaaaaaaah

Big_Al · 8 points ·
thats my dog

Big_Al · 1 points ·

Big_Al · 4 points ·
awe ma se kind finding random South Africans on Hugelol

Big_Al · 1 points ·
where else would you understand the concept "blue waffle"

Big_Al · 5 points ·
that last one though

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Big_Al · 1 points ·
