birb · 1 points ·

birb · 2 points ·
A trasnphobic image that's supposed to be a meme and yet has no fun to be seen, and is almost the definition of propaganda

hell yeah i'm asoomin

Still curious about what you think the propaganda would actually be though

birb · 3 points ·
The only one trying to push an agenda here is whatever right winger made this post knowing full well that it was fake, and he did a great job, he made you clutch your pearls so hard at something you did not care about in the slightest, knowing full well that the average right winger won't bother checking a fact or a headline with a 2 minute google search

what a clown world lmao

birb · 0 points ·
I'm sure the guy with apparently "between 0.0008% and 0.004% of the experience required for this post" has been hired because he wears heels.

As always, we're being manipulated by evil powers and the only ones seing through it just happen to be right wing bigots.

"obvious and alarmingly present mental issues", lmao.

birb · 1 points ·
The circus is here indeed.

You're trying to phrase it like getting a dual master from MIT (because it's not just "a master"), having two startups (gonna believe you on the failed one, although I haven't found anything on it, I don't have time to check thoroughly), worked in various enviromental institutes and for two presidents on 2 different subjects, and has had quite a big political life and impact as "not enough qualifications".

And you also described a person that testified in front of the UN Committee Against Torture, advised a president on the matter, and helped in making literal torture illegal in many states as "loud mouth on lgbt matters".
Man, right wing hatred can really rot a brain.

But I'm sure you would be so critical of somebody's CV even if they were more normal looking, for sure :)

birb · 1 points ·
To me, it just screams "I'm not in your norm", but I guess different people have different results - but then again, who the hell cares if the dude likes creepy dog masks and heels, as long as he's qualified, and you can see by my other comment that he definitely is, what he does in his own time doesn't concern me at all.

birb · 1 points ·
Well, let's see:
- Dual master in Nuclear Engineering and Technology and Policy programs from MIT;
- Graduate from Kansas State University with a BS in mechanical and nuclear engineering (plus some other unrelated stuff);
- Director of Legislative Affairs for Deep Isolation as well as Founder of the Core Solutions Consulting firm;
- Fellow at the Breakthrough Institute, Clean Air Task Force, and Third Way;
- Internships at Harvard Kennedy School, Argonne National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, and Dow Chemical Company in various projects relating to nuclear engineering and systems analysis;
- Advised both Obama (unrelated to the subject) and Trump (on the subject of nuclear);
- Plus other things unrelated to this subject (but in no way small, like helping to shut down conversion terapy in various states, although I haven't searched to what extent);

And you somehow tried to sell it as "did my master, worked in r&d for like 3 years then became a start-up chair warmer for 5 years, the end".

Like holy shit on what level of denial do you have to be lmao
I know that random internet bigots don't do that much introspection, but at some point, when there's a big arrow pointing at how much you were wrong, you should just maybe start thinking "what if I'm wrong though", instead of just doubling down on your bs, pretending you're right.

birb · 2 points ·
Why are you throwing christianity in the mix now?
And why are you trying to warp his CV to fit your reality lmao

But you're right, if a person is into creepy dog leather masks, he is clearly damaged, unmoral, unstable and unfit for the job!
Important positions like these are reserved for men with GOOD, GOD-GIVEN, CHRISTIAN kinks! Anything else and it's just a poltiical move!

Oh the honking.

birb · 1 points ·
Hugelollers determining the moral and mental issues of a person, fitness for a job, political decisions and international repercussions from the funny haircut on a photo specifically picked to trigger pearl clutching in right wingers

All of this whitout ever checking the qualification of this person

Yeah, honk honk lmao

birb · 2 points ·
