Black_Sun · 1 points ·
1. Right-click on the profile pic.
2. Click on "open image in new tab"
3. delete the "s150x150" from the URL
4. You can now see the image in its full resolution

Black_Sun · 1 points ·
!gamble 200

Black_Sun · OP · 1 points ·
!gamble 12

Black_Sun · OP · 1 points ·
!gamble 11

Black_Sun · OP · 1 points ·
!gamble 10

Black_Sun · 7 points ·
people don´t strike because they don´t like their job. They do it because they want to do their job but are unhappy about the payment.

Black_Sun · 1 points ·
Wrong, we also have probes on Venus

Black_Sun · OP · 5 points ·
yes, now. But not 22 hours ago

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Black_Sun · 0 points ·
this will be the best game ever!! And it will be worth at least four times the price it costs. I wont download it and you should be ashamed to do so. This game is totally worth the price it costs, and with gta online even more. It is ok to download some games, because some games are funny, but not good enough to pay over 50€ for them. BUT THIS IS
