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BlackWidowX · OP · 14 points ·
So you're telling me that I don't live in this world?
I feel kinda lost now
Where am I? :O

BlackWidowX · OP · 15 points ·
Sorry, not America.

BlackWidowX · OP · 17 points ·
Sorry to disappoint you, but it isn't Germany.

BlackWidowX · 7 points ·

BlackWidowX · 2 points ·
This is me when my brother was born

BlackWidowX · OP · 14 points · *
Thanks guys, now my turn! First of all I'm not playing "the internet queen game", whatever the f*ck that is. I just post what I think is funny and then people upvote or downvote it. It happens exactly the same everywhere, no matter if you're boy or girl,but if you think my post is crap because I'm a girl, then my friend, you deserve two words: "f*ck you!"
"Is she hot?If yes we don’t believe you" Why is so impossible to believe that a girl can be hot? Never seen one before? Did you just swing from a tree and you have no idea what's around you?
"Internet is not for women. They should be in the kitchen cooking" What about the bedroom? Did you know you can actually have fun with a girl there? I bet you're that kind of guy who would fail; even if someone would whisper instructions in your ear. And why so sexist? What's with you and women? Your mom didn't loved you? Or you realized you'll never be the man your mom is?
"So she's a metal slut who likes drugs?" I know you're insulting me, but I think you like me. I can see your tail wagging. If I throw a stick, will you leave and never come back?
Too bad your mom didn't swallow you when she had the chance. This world would have been a better place.
Have a nice day...somewhere else.

BlackWidowX · OP · 6 points ·
I know :( But...but...but you said no sexy lingerie. So, don't blame me for that!

BlackWidowX · OP · 1 points ·
Making fun of Justin Bieber is like jokes about "your mom", they never get old and they never get annoying ;) And he deserves it. Maybe if he would stop giving us reasons why to make fun of him, people would just stop...

BlackWidowX · OP · 2 points ·
Hmm...better boyfriend....Who cares? I don't. Seriously it's going too far, don't you think so?
