I dont have a problem with people making an informed decision on their leader, wether I like their choice or not, and of course I accept and respect the election result. But with so many people (not all of them of course), voting for Trump out of fear, hatred or just to spite 'the establishment', and in ignorance of the kind of person he is and the kind of president he may become, I feel the american people didnt really try to choose the best leader they could. Now they've got what they 'wanted', and even though I don't think he will be, I hope Trump suprises me and becomes a good president.
First of all, i'm not a US citizen. Besides that, I still am allowed to have an opinion on the election and I stand by my point that most of Trumps supporters voted for him for the wrong reasons and won't be better off with him as president. That being said I wish the United States the best of luck, and hope Trump makes the best of his presidency for the US and the world.
Yeah Trump family carries on, mine does too but i dont claim to have ten billion dollars in my bank account.
Anyways we're getting carried away, and your English is making me kinda sick, so I'm going to end this discussion at this point.
First of all, im not living in the US either, so checkmate.
Also i didnt want to discuss politics with you, i just wanted to point out that Trump isnt a great businessman, which you ignored because you know he is not, and that he is switching his positions all the time (like most politicians do), which you wouldve known already if you did care as much as you claim to do.
Sad that you, even though i didnt offend you in any way, chose to get all personal.
just google "trump staff pay" or something and you will get articles about it
he switched his opinion on the iraq war, more than once in the case of abortion laws, and some other things too
if you want you can watch this clip with a lot of contrary statements by Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpKiP_gmDS8
Trump had to file for bankruptcy multiple times (i think four or five times, not sure), and lots of his businesses failed. He often doesnt pay people he hired (including parts of his campaign staff), uses money that was donated to his charity to settle lawsuits against his businesses, and hasnt released his tax returns, so no one can see how much money he actually has, but if he really were that rich, those would be odd things to do wouldnt they? :D
Also Trump turns 180 degrees so often and fast that it is just not visible to the human eye anymore ;)
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