Boppsson · Poster · 1 points ·
Dang, I always enjoyed this jam.

Boppsson · Poster · 11 points ·
While I was studying in the US there was this other guy from Pakistan. He was also in his 20s but looked 45, fat balding etc. He bragged about how he and his friends would take his family helicopter to parties to avoid traffic, guy was loaded as heck and drowning in poverty puss back home.

But all that meant squat on the other side of the world. Even with money to treat people to bars and restaurant he gave everybody the legendary "ick". He must've suffered some major depression realizing that nobody actually liked him for being him.

Thank you for reading my blog. This was in 2010.

Boppsson · Poster · 6 points ·
<- Guy thinking about how much all that black cost to print

Boppsson · Poster · 1 points ·

Boppsson · Poster · 2 points ·

Boppsson · Poster · 5 points ·
He seems to have dropped the skin, boo!

Boppsson · Poster · 1 points ·

Boppsson · Poster · 4 points ·
我在北京 wo zai Bei Jing
I am in Beijing

There, I ruined the joke for you.

Boppsson · Poster · 3 points · *
人们如何在这样的食物中生存 ren men ru he zai zhe yang de shi wu zhong sheng cun

How can people subsist on this kind of food?
