borntocomment · 3 points ·
Dafaq is this supposed to be then?

borntocomment · 1 points ·
1. This is an old keyboard
2. This is actually not a bad idea
3. They don't actually claim to revolutionize anything
4. This is not funny
5. This is a bot-post copied from /r/PCMR

well shit....

borntocomment · 1 points · *
> Not knowing the difference between whisky and whiskey
> Thinking Jim Beam could pass as either
> Dismissing c*cktails and, better yet, wines, as "fаggot drinks"

Edit: great censorship HL...

borntocomment · 11 points ·
Seems to be correct. 10/10

borntocomment · 2 points ·
oh rip

borntocomment · 3 points · *
Dead diary: Jackpot!
Edit: *Dear. I meant dear.

borntocomment · 3 points ·
I realize this is a bot post, but to clarify, I'm pretty sure all the FineBros did is allow their fans to create their own reaction videos to be submitted on a secondary, official channel. They aren't stopping anyone from making videos.

borntocomment · 7 points ·
I guess the point is that whilst they do find objects they can't identify in space every once in a while, they're fairly certain they're not flying saucers. Still very poorly worded though.

borntocomment · 2 points ·
I mean, it's dumb, but it's not really that bad. He's straight-forward, honest and fairly polite. If this conversation happened irl, I'd honestly have to respect the guy. Through a forum it's just kinda pathetic...

borntocomment · 34 points ·
Welp, how could judgement day possibly be any worse for him than that monday was?
