BringBackMew · 1 points ·
But then you're buying more helium so it costs more, shouldn't you inject it with apples?

BringBackMew · 4 points ·

BringBackMew · 3 points ·

Bad comment hidden. Click to view.
BringBackMew · 12 points ·
50 bytes of quality

BringBackMew · 13 points ·
"haven't" is, but "havent" isn't

BringBackMew · 10 points ·
sorry for bad english
where were you when you hear news
i was at home eat cereal when ghost call
"mom is kill"

BringBackMew · 2 points ·
That looks more like Zapdos than a chicken to me.

BringBackMew · 4 points ·

BringBackMew · 0 points · *

Edit: Why downvote me? I posted like 30 seconds earlier than the other guy
