Broseidan · 1 points ·
Because he did, an whenever he tried that method he got caught, They always noticed when he tried to order a crabby patty, thats the point of the show, he keeps getting outsmarted no matter what -_______-

Broseidan · 1 points ·
wow oh really? its not like i havent heard that pc is the master race of consoles like over a 100 times today. seriously, stopping being a nazi and leave people to their own opinions. that doesnt mean to let them shove their opinions down your throat either tho

Broseidan · 15 points ·
that comment is a reposted comment, could you please take it down

Broseidan · 4 points ·
actually i don't wonder why anymore because this has been reposted so many times

Broseidan · 1 points ·
usually when you repost a gif you don't choose the terribly made one... regardless of content

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Broseidan · 1 points ·
we finally have a troller who knows their shit

Broseidan · 1 points ·
all you're doing is taking pictures of cats that are looking in vaguely the same direction as the character and a common aspect like color, they are not similar in any surprising way so seriously, keep this kind of shit in ***, because it isn't funny and never will be

Broseidan · 1 points ·
yes because everybody is going to be like: "omg! that coolhand guy is sooo smart! i mean he DID correct a spelling mistake on the INTERNET!! so badass"
