Budlax · 4 points ·
In my house we still had one until about 2005... It's not really a 90's kids thing.

Budlax · 1 points ·
This is going to be me after the brunt of my exams :D

Budlax · 1 points ·

Budlax · 1 points ·
I just want to point out that the swastika was adapted from the indian symbol and the aryans were originally dark skinned... not for hitler though

End reached.
I'm new here! Just kidding I was the biggest LURKER I've actually been here since the creation of HUGELOL... Not that you give a *** ;)

Joined 10 years ago (2014-01-27 11:31:59).
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1-Year Club 16.02.2017