Calipto · 14 points ·
Here's captain:
That critter is a Mantis Shrimp. These animals are both super strong and super aggressive, dismembering and killing all sorts of animals. There even have been reports of them breaking fish tanks, so you typically don't find them in your local aquarium.

Calipto · 5 points ·
"This was supposed to be France, but basically it is also Germany, in a way - Correct"

Calipto · 4 points ·
"Step aside, guitar-weeb and piano-jak!"
*pulls out the Electric Fanovel*

Calipto · 5 points ·
Blue sky in scenic locations? I wish... Often times it's just the most depressing grey clouds

Calipto · 2 points ·
Could be worse

Calipto · 1 points ·
When evaluating and granting citizenships, a thorough test of the belief- and value-system shout be executed. A lot of nutjobs could be filtered out right from the start.

Rejecting / accepting someone solely for an inherent property (i.e. color of the skin)? That's silly.
Rejecting / accepting someone based on his values and actions? There we go!

A country is a community of will, faith and destiny. If enough people reject this concept, the country breaks apart.

We have to consequently correct those people who fundamentally reject our way of life. Liberty is a delicater flower. We must stand firmly for justice and freedom. Let nobody take them away!

Calipto · 1 points ·
Yes indeed... but she's already married to her cousin, Arachalameth

Calipto · 1 points ·
...but at least the burger is held together by a knife that's rammed through its center

Calipto · 1 points ·
Just for the record: They rebuilt the set for The Hobbit and made it lasting this time. Now it's a tourist attraction and land owners and license holders (Peter Jackson, Newline, Tolkien family) make a fortune off of it. Visiting Hobbiton is a beautiful experience, though, and the place offers a lot of great photo opportunities.

Calipto · 1 points ·
Well... thanks to a certain senile Roomba, the Taliban would disagree (unfortunately)
